Most Kids in Gaza Spending Entire Days Without Eating Anything as Malnutrition Deaths Rise

The Jews that are blocking food getting into Gaza know that the Gazans cannot escape the area. So it’s not a “we’ll starve them out and force them to leave” type situation.

They are purposefully starving them to death.

The Guardian:

At least 30 child victims of malnutrition have been recorded in Gaza, but almost all died in the north, until recently the area with the most extreme shortages of food and medical care, where a top US aid official said famine had taken hold in some areas.

The arrival of Israeli troops in Rafah in May shifted the grim calculus of threat in the strip.

The ongoing situation in Rafah is a disaster for children,” said Jonathan Crickx, chief of communication for Unicef in Palestine. “If nutrition supplies, especially ready-to-use therapeutic food, used to address malnutrition among children, cannot be distributed, the treatment of more than 3,000 children with acute malnutrition will be interrupted.”

For months, northern Gaza, cut off by an Israeli military cordon, had been hungrier than the south. Aid mostly trickled into the strip through the Rafah crossing with Egypt, and the Kerem Shalom gateway from Israel.

Now the border with Egypt is controlled by Israeli troops, the Rafah crossing is closed, and fighting has choked shipments of humanitarian aid through Kerem Shalom. The supply of humanitarian aid into Gaza overall has dropped by two-thirds since 7 May, when the operation began, UN figures showed last week.

Much of the food still getting into Gaza is shipped to the north through new crossings, meaning the crisis there has eased, but people in the south are running out of supplies, the World Food Programme chief for Palestine said.

“[In the north,] it is a situation that has improved significantly from five weeks ago,” said Matthew Hollingworth. “On the other side, in the middle and in particular the south, what we’ve seen just since 7 May is the situation begin to deteriorate again.

We’ve got a week or so before people will genuinely run out of all assistance they were able to receive through April and the start of May.”

Collapsing access to food and medical care may be a slower-motion tragedy, but one that threatens almost everyone in the south of the enclave now. Twenty international aid agencies warned last week that “the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access while the humanitarian response is in reality on the verge of collapse”.

They now fear “an acceleration in deaths from starvation, disease and denied medical assistance”, the groups, including Médecins Sans Frontières, Oxfam and Save the Children said in a joint statement.

“In similar crises around the world, according to Unicef experience, usually children don’t die from malnutrition and dehydration in hospitals, they die at home, in the street or where they have taken shelter,” Crickx said. “This means reported deaths of children from malnutrition only show part of the whole toll. There is a reasonable concern that in Gaza too, there are significant numbers of children affected by malnutrition who are not represented in reported figures.”

Most children under five in Gaza are spending entire days without eating anything at all.

I think we all get it: Jews are starving the kids to death on purpose to try to clear out the land because they want to move settlements into the area.

Starving civilians has zero to do with a military conflict. Hamas already has food. They have plenty of food in the tunnels. And there aren’t very many Hamas anyway – they don’t need a lot of food.