Again, you’re not going to find any insider knowledge on this website. Maybe knowledge about the inside of… ah, I can’t think of anything.
But I have no insider knowledge on the workings of the Western military establishment.
I have serious doubts that high level NATO officials themselves know what’s going to happen next. We seem to be witnessing a debate taking place semi-publicly about whether or not NATO forces will be sent in to fight Russia.
The only options are that or surrender. That’s the same situation as February 2022, and you never needed insider knowledge to know that.
Of course, this has been hard enough on Russia that the Russians will let them walk away saving a bit of face if they’re willing to give up the territory.
Kiev could end up relinquishing some of its former territory in exchange for NATO membership, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s chief of staff, Stian Jenssen said at a debate on Tuesday. In his own statements on the issue, Stoltenberg has insisted that Kiev will set its own terms for “victory.”
“I think that a solution could be for Ukraine to give up territory, and get NATO membership in return,” Jenssen said at the debate, according to Norway’s VG newspaper. This discussion is already underway within NATO, he said, suggesting that it could be a “possible solution” to the conflict.
Why was he at a debate?
No NATO leaders have publicly endorsed the idea of Kiev giving up its claims to the territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, or Zaporozhye, which were incorporated into the Russian Federation following referendums last September. Likewise, while Western officials have cast doubt on Ukraine’s ability to seize Crimea – an historical Russian territory which rejoined the Russian Federation in 2014, none have urged Kiev to abandon its claim to the peninsula.
Such an idea has apparently been floated behind the scenes, however. Swiss outlet Neue Zürcher Zeitung claimed in February, citing sources, that CIA Director William Burns had offered Russia a “land for peace” deal in which Moscow would keep “20% of Ukrainian territory.” The White House, the CIA, and the Kremlin all denied that such a proposal had been made.
Whether such a deal would be accepted by Kiev or Moscow remains doubtful. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated last year that securing the military neutrality of Ukraine was a key factor behind his decision to send troops into the country, and that having a NATO-aligned Ukraine on Russia’s borders would present an unacceptable security risk.
Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council chief Aleksey Danilov stated on Tuesday that Kiev will never negotiate with Putin’s government, that none of Ukraine’s Western backers are pushing for peace, and that “Russia must be destroyed like a modern-day Carthage.”
These hohols can’t even break the first line of defense – anywhere, even for a few hours – during their “offensive” they spent six months planning, with all of this Western hardware and training.
But soon they will march on Moscow and burn it like Carthage.
This whole situation is very much the “big lie” that Hitler talked about.
If, at any point before February of 2022, someone would have said “I think the Ukraine, an impoverished former Russian territory with a population of 40 million people, can attack and destroy Russia, a superpower nation with 150 million people,” people would have just blinked at you. Somehow, it became gospel that the Ukraine not only could win a war with Russia, but that they were winning a war with Russia.
Now, that has all rapidly disappeared. It must be like waking up from a dream for the retards who believed this tripe.