NATO Running Out of Ammo

At this point, burning through NATO stocks is a valid strategic objective for Russia.

It’s costing them virtually nothing and they don’t have the economic problems that the West has.


NATO has surveyed its munitions stockpiles to ascertain how depleted they have become due to the Ukraine conflict, Reuters has reported. What has been revealed, the news agency said, is that a number of European members are not prepared for a possible direct confrontation with Russia.

If Europe were to fight Russia, some countries would run out of ammunition in days,” a European diplomat told Reuters on Monday, speaking on condition of anonymity. The NATO official who described the secret survey of ammunition stocks was not named either.

The leaders of the US-led bloc are set to meet in mid-July in Lithuania. The NATO source cited in the article expects stockpile targets for member states to be increased based on the recent review.

The exact inventory numbers are highly classified, Reuters said, but most of the shortfall is in “battle-decisive munitions” that member states have been sending to Ukraine in large quantities.

This is why all the China hawks are calling for an end to this war.

They are wasting huge amounts of resources for no reason anyone can even comprehend.

No one thinks the Putin government is going to collapse anymore. That would have had to have happened in the first three months of sanctions. Instead, Putin dealt brilliantly with the sanctions and ended up making a lot of money off of them through increased trade with China and India.

Russia can keep this up indefinitely.

The goals of the war at this point are totally unclear. Obviously there seems to be a drive to depopulate the Ukraine by sending the women out and sending the men to die, but that is such a weird agenda that I can’t imagine NATO cares about it very much.

It seems likely a negotiated settlement is going to be in the works sooner rather than later.

At least, that is what would be in the interest of ZOG.

Related: UK Considers Manufacturing Weapons in the Ukraine