Nearly Half of Americans Want to Exercise But Claim They Don’t Have Time

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2019

Too busy.

Americans are very busy people. So busy, in fact, that they don’t have time to move their bodies.

Study Finds:

It seems most Americans know what they have to do to be happier, but just don’t have the time. A survey of 2,000 American adults found that 79% said they feel generally happier when they stick to a regular exercise routine. However, 48% also said they’re too busy from work and other obligations to exercise at all.

Not enough hours in the day wasn’t the only exercise obstacle listed, either. In all, 51% of respondents said sitting at their desks for eight hours each day drains them of energy, leaving them unlikely to try to weave a workout into their day. Additionally, over 60% said by the time they clock out each workday, they’re far too tired or drained to even entertain the idea of going for a jog or lifting weights.

Another commonly cited barrier to regular exercise was money; 61% said that purchasing a gym membership is too expensive for their current budget.

Besides inducing happiness, regular exercise also helps many Americans get more done. A total of 56% of the survey’s respondents said they work smarter when they have a healthy exercise routine in place.

Three points to address:

  1. People say they don’t have time to exercise “at all”
  2. People say sitting at their desks for 8 hours drains them of energy
  3. People say purchasing a gym membership is too expensive

There is no such thing as not having time to exercise. What the surveyed people most likely mean is that they don’t have the time to do the kind of exercise they have in mind. They may be under the impression that they have to spend at least a couple of hours in the gym to get a workout done or something.

The question is what kind of exercise they do have the time to do. Dropping to the floor and doing a lone, slow-motion set of as many push-ups as possible before breakfast can take anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes depending on their fitness level.

Use the form described by Antranik.

Grabbing some counterweight and doing the same with one-leg squats as soon as they finish the push-ups can total up to 5 minutes for a workout that is significantly better than not doing anything.

I’m not arguing whether or not these types of exercises can replace having access to a gym and the time to perform a more elaborate workout regime.

I’m saying having the time to exercise is a matter of having the will to exercise, which touches on the second point to address.

The surveyed people said that after 8 hours of work, they don’t have the energy to exercise or to even think about exercise.

That is a valid point, as activities that are mentally draining can kind of spend people’s willpower allowance for the day.

The solution to that is for them to exercise somewhere in-between the moment they wake up and the moment they have to go to work.

The third point they made was that a gym membership was too expensive. If they can’t afford a gym, they still have available a wide range of exercises like the push-ups and squats I mentioned above that don’t need any kind of fancy equipment or location in order to be performed.

Then there’s parks and pull-up bars.

The important thing to keep in mind is that exercising is better than not exercising, no matter how insignificant the amount of exercise may seem.

Furthermore, being healthy and fit will drastically INCREASE energy levels. So they are giving into a kind of death spiral with the “no energy to exercise” excuse.

On average, the survey found that employed Americans get only a little over three hours of exercise a week. That’s a far cry from most respondents’ fitness goals. Among those who reported a desire to exercise more, 61% said they would ideally like to get an average of nine hours of exercise per week.

Apparently exercise support from employers would be a welcome benefit for many people. Overall, half of those surveyed said they would feel better about staying with an employer if the company helped pay for a gym membership.

Three hours a week, if well-spent, are enough for most people to get good results.

One hour in the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday is okay if that hour is spent doing exercises that actually make a difference instead of spending half an hour on some “cardio” machine trying to fight against a retarded diet.

Thinking employers paying for gym membership doesn’t mean that the money is coming from your salary though…