Negro and Two Latinas Team Up to Stop Racism

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 10, 2017

Three heroic vigilantes kill another evil, disgusting, cave-dwelling White Man in their quest to deport racism.


Deputies announced the arrest of 26-year Ashley Velez on August 7th. Velez faces charges for Accessory aft the Fact of a Felony.

Anthony Johnson, 21, has been charged with the murder of Scottie Alan Morton, and Brittany Leal, 28, has been charged with a attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon. Both Johnson and Leal are from Fayetteville, and the Morton is from Cove City.

Witnesses told deputies they saw a black man with his face covered enter the store, demand money and shoot Morton several times.

After the shooting, deputies said the suspect fled the store to an awaiting dark red SUV and fled the area.

Morton died on the scene, deputies said.

A manhunt ensued, and officers from the Craven County Sheriff’s Office and SRT along with New Bern Police K-9 units, Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit and manpower, North Carolina Highway Patrol, SHP Helicopter, and U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter assisted in the search for Johnson.

“It hits home, literally, really close, you think small town USA, Cove City fits right in with that,” said Bright. “and to have something like that here, it makes you wonder what else is going on”

Sounds like a job well done.

Give these anit-racist activists a medal of freedom.

From Left, Harbinger of Diversity Anthony Johnson, Brittany Leal, Ashley Valez.