Neo-Nazi leader Bill Kristol is most famous for planning and promoting the Iraq War, claiming that it would “put down the muds.”
The infamous right-wing hater is now promoting the anti-Semitic canard that the helpless and innocent media magnate Ben Shapiro is a “rat-faced Jew.”
After tweeting a picture of Shapiro’s supposed “ugly rat face” and calling him “the face of conservatism,” the hate-filled Kristol then went on to claim that Shapiro, who is known for his honesty, is a “huckster,” a reference to the widely debunked canard that Jewish people engage in various forms of fraud.
Perhaps the Republican Party can one day be regained from the hucksters, and the conservative movement one day rescued from the witless. But not soon, I’m afraid.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) December 27, 2022
Age-old tropes about the Jews are now commonplace in the public square as a result of Kristol’s campaign of terror.
Kristol’s followers regularly post this new meme of a stereotypical Jewish swindler:
His online following, based on heavily debunked but still virulent canards and tropes about Jewish people, continues to grow.
Many people try to blame the Jews, often due to feelings of inadequacy in the bedroom.