I’ll say this about Venezuelan hookers: they’ve provided more to society than that boy Eric, who does nothing but whine.
Whining is not a service, whereas prostitution is.
That boy Eric should shut his watermelon-stained lips.
Mayor Eric Adams has blamed the rise in prostitution in Corona, Queens, on an influx of female Venezuelan migrants who are struggling to find other work.
The Democrat said Tuesday that “illegal” activity is taking place in the area and that it is just “one example” of how the nation’s migrant crisis is affecting the city.
It is unclear whether these Venezuelan migrants are being sex-trafficked to perform these acts or if they are soliciting sex of their own free will.
But, speaking to reporters Tuesday, Adams said: “This is what happens when you create an atmosphere that people can’t provide for themselves — you can’t work, you can’t provide for your job and have to turn to illegal activities to do so.”
Why is hooking an “illegal activity”?
Is there anything more insane? How did the government get the right to tell you where you’re allowed to insert your penis? (NB4 “you said gays should be thrown off roofs” – yes, I know. It’s not the same thing.)
Fornication is a sin, but so is gluttony. Will the government arrest fat people? Are we now enforcing Biblical morality as law in America? If that is the case, then I think we have about six million issues to deal with before we get to Venezuelan hookers.
This is the wages of feminism. This is what it has wrought: micromanaging the most private human behaviors in the name of the female sexual utopia. “Affordable pussy” is incompatible with this utopia.
When they say whoring is “the oldest profession,” it’s literally true. As soon as money was invented, a woman saw a man counting out his first day’s pay, they made eye-contact, and no words were needed.
Women cannot do useful work, and therefore, prostitution is the most obvious thing in the world.
Are these women supposed to be working in a bank? They probably can’t even read.
“When I talk about the spiraling impact of how this is going to affect our city, this is what I’m talking about,” he said. “We are going to create generational problems based on the failure of the national government, and this is one example of that.”
Adams added that another of these red-light districts has emerged in East New York, Brooklyn, where he said prostitution is “overt during the day.”
There are no pictures taken in the daytime.
But if it’s a red light district, that is their professional right.
Going into a red light district and telling hookers to stop hooking is like going into South Chicago and telling niggers to stop being stupid.
It’s unreasonable.
He then went on to slam city officials who “believe it is a victimless crime” and are trying to get prostitution legalized.
“This is where idealism collides with realism,” he said.
“I’ve had elected officials tell me that the women are just trying to work [and ask], ‘Why are you trying to harm them?’”
But, the mayor said, “There are real issues around illegal sex work, not only from STDs to sex trafficking to young girls getting involved in it, to violence.
Oh, yes.
The poor hookers.
They are getting trafficked into piles of cash.
“So people who don’t understand how serious this is, they are impeding our progress,” Adams said of the city lawmakers pushing for prostitution legalization.
He added: “We need a real partnership to prosecute the johns, we want to focus on the johns, and we want to focus on giving assistance to those sex workers to make sure that they’re not being forced into this activity, but also abide by the law.”
I’ve said that the hooking going on in California – in residential areas, in broad daylight – is an outrage.
But in every picture I’ve seen of these whores in New York, they’re being respectful, soliciting their services in areas of total urban decay in the nighttime.
At least they’re working. That’s more than I can say for most of the human garbage pouring across our porous border, and it’s more than I can say for that boy Eric, who claims to be governing and then does nothing but perform repulsive displays of typical nigger whining.
I’m siding with the whores on this one.
The only reason that boy Eric is out there whining about whores, who are behaving responsibly by plying their trade in dingy areas after the sun goes down, is that the cuntocracy told him they didn’t want high quality pussy to be available at reasonable prices.
In actual fact, the pussy quality appears to be in the medium to low range, but the girls look friendly, which is more than I can say about the rest of the whores in this shithole country.
And, you know. There could be something going on here, at least after you’ve consumed your required daily dose of Shamus’ Special Sauce:
“Reasonable prices,” however, it the true factor of relevance. Venezuela hookers are probably asking for a hundred dollars, which is negotiable if you’re handsome or charming, whilst the American used up, fat, old whores that this boy Eric represents in his virulent anti-hooker campaign are demanding “your soul, cut from your body and delivered in a box, professionally wrapped with no tape showing” in exchange for a whiff.
What you will learn about life, my dearest parasocial friend, is that whenever there is a conflict in your environment, you have to take a side. In this particular situation, I side with the immigrant whores against the nigger mayor.