Newly Crowned Mulatto Miss France Praises White Genocide

Daily Stormer
December 9, 2014

Flora Coquerel, Miss France 2014 and proof that France is not racist.
Flora Coquerel, Miss France 2014 and proof that France is not racist.

Last year the French people made the horrible, racist mistake of selecting a white woman, Marine Lorphelin, as Miss France.   The Jewish media widely denounced the decision, complaining that Miss France was “too white”, and that her selection was an insult to immigrant communities and out of touch with the times.  Eager to remedy their mistake, this year’s winner, Flora Coquerel, is a mulatto born to a French father and a black mother.

Her whiteness doesn't make us uncomfortable. There must be something wrong with us.
Marine Lorphelin, Miss France 2013. The Jews declared her “too white”. Her whiteness doesn’t make us uncomfortable. There must be something wrong with us.

The significance of choosing an African Miss France is not lost on the pageant winner.  Miss Coquerel was very much aware of the racial angle of the contest.  From AFP:

“I am very proud to represent a cosmopolitan France,” Coquerel said, adding that she hoped to use her title to promote literacy and the integration of women in the workplace.

Before the competition, Coquerel, whose mother is from Benin in West Africa, told France 3 television that she believed her mixed heritage was an advantage.

It shows that today’s France is a mixed France, where there is every culture, and I think a lot of people will see themselves in me,” she said.

If we translate the Jewspeak, it’s easy to see what Miss Coquerel is saying: she is is the symbol of White genocide.  The French nation, and the entire White race, will soon vanish, and if we evil white devils don’t cheer the event loudly enough, then we are reactionary monsters.

But political considerations aside, it is at least refreshing to know that the contest was fair overall.  If you take a look at the competition, it’s obvious that Miss Coquerel won based purely on merit, and that she received no preferential treatment because of her race.

Just think how boring the winner would have looked if not for Miss Coquerel.

If Miss Lorphelin was already too white, we don’t know why Miss Provence 2014 even bothered showing up.  Clearly she cannot compete with Miss Coquerel’s multicultural vibrancy.

Why did she even bother?
Why did she even bother?