Nick Fuentes is Already Running Ye’s Twitter Account…?!

Ye’s Twitter tweeted this last night:

It was obviously not Ye’s normal tweeting style.

It was then followed up with this:

Real life.

The tweets are deleted now. It did look a bit unprofessional. I think the first one was Nick and the second was Milo trying to sound like Ye (ehhh), then they all agreed to start over.

(Ye has a history of deleting tweets, so this definitely doesn’t mean anything bad.)

The stuff about Ron DeSantis paying The Daily Wire is true and important to note, but it is probably to keep Ye’s Twitter authentic. Just let Ye tweet whatever and let the staff run campaign accounts. Ye can then retweet those.

Regardless, it shows everyone’s having fun, and that is, after all, the point of it all. I mean, having fun while removing these Jews and then turning America into a brutal theocracy is the point of it all.

I’m supporting Ye because he talks about the Jews and Christianity, but the primary reason for supporting him now is that he’s got Nick Fuentes working for him.

Ye went to church yesterday and stopped to talk to the cameras.

It’s a great video.

He says America is controlled by 300 Zionist Jews.

He also said that Trump would be a great president if he would put God first and then America – before Israel.

It’s a valid point.

No one wants to say it, but there were a lot of problems with the Trump presidency.

I was very clear that none of that mattered because there was no one else.

Well, now there’s someone else.

We got this guy Ye.