“No Culture, No Future” – French Actress Gets Naked on Stage at Awards Ceremony, Protesting Lockdown (WARNING: OLD TITS)

The French are stubborn people.

I’m surprised they’ve gone along with this to the extent they’ve gone along with it.


Actress Corinne Masiero disrobed on stage during a French awards ceremony, exposing the audience to her anger over the government’s closure of cinemas and other cultural institutions amid the Covid-19 crisis.

Masiero was invited to present the award for the best costumes at the Cesar Awards, France’s equivalent of the Oscars, on Friday. The 57-year-old actress approached the podium wearing a donkey costume over a blood-stained dress. After taking the microphone, she made a sarcastic remark about wanting a nicer gown but being told that it wasn’t “essential enough,” in an apparent jab at coronavirus restrictions that have targeted businesses and activities deemed non-essential.

Moments later, she stripped down to her birthday suit, revealing the message “no culture, no future” written across her chest. She then showed her backside, which contained an appeal to French Prime Minister Jean Castex.

“Give us back art, Jean,” the message read.

The stunt elicited applause from the audience, although some spectators were visibly surprised by the unexpected turn of events.


Although Masiero was the only individual to strip on stage, she wasn’t alone in her anger over the government’s Covid-19 measures.

While accepting a screenplay award, Stephane Demoustier expressed frustration that her children can go clothes shopping but still are prohibited from going to the cinema, describing the restrictions as “incomprehensible.”

The truly amazing thing is that no one seems to be willing to say what this all is, even though everyone presumably kind of understands it: this is a global conspiracy to force us into poverty, and to take away all of our rights.

I’m against democracy, I’ve made no mystery of my views there. However, in democracy, you are supposed to have this whole list of rights, many of which are good.

All of those rights have now been taken away from us, without any vote. They say this is “science,” but they’ve refused to present any scientific evidence that this is science.

Related: “Ask the Experts” -Doctors Respond to Mainstream Consensus on Coronavirus and “Vaccine”

If you ask for evidence, they just call you a science denier. This is literally the opposite of science.

I could make some statement about women looking for any excuse to get naked – but really, that is all they can do. No one is going to listen to them talk. She’s created an international news item by getting naked against these lunatic coronavirus measures.

If there was ever a time to go full naked whore, it is now.