No More Gas for Europe! Russian Gas Pipelines Sabotaged!

Previously: EU Countries Desperate for Gas Price Cap to Fight “Untenable Inflationary Pressures”

This is obviously the Ukraine directly attacking Europe.

Pretty major happening.


Europe was investigating leaks in two Russian gas pipelines that churned up the Baltic Sea on Tuesday and raised concerns from Copenhagen to Moscow about sabotage on infrastructure at the heart of an energy standoff.

However, it remained far from clear who might be behind any foul play, if proven, on the Nord Stream pipelines that Russia and European partners spent billions of dollars building.

Poland’s prime minister blamed sabotage for the leaks, without citing evidence, while the Danish premier said it could not be ruled out.

Russia, which slashed gas deliveries to Europe after the West imposed sanctions over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, said sabotage was a possibility and that the incident undermined the continent’s energy security. A senior Ukrainian official called it a Russian attack to destabilise Europe, without giving proof.

Yeah, the fact that they’re blaming Russia is all the proof you need that they did it. They’ve done this constantly. Every time they do some outrageous bombing, they say Russia did it and they do not ever provide evidence.

They said that Russia was shelling their own nuclear power plant. They claimed Russia blew up its own POW camp. This is their only explanation for anything, and they do this because they know the Western media will just go along with whatever they say. But these pipelines are not in the Ukraine! So it’s a little bit bigger of a deal.

The Nord Stream pipelines have been flashpoints in an escalating energy war between European capitals and Moscow that has pummelled major Western economies, sent gas prices soaring and sparked a hunt for alternative energy supplies.

Sweden’s Maritime Authority issued a warning about two leaks in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline the day after a leak on the nearby Nord Stream 2 pipeline was discovered that prompted Denmark to restrict shipping and impose a small no fly zone.

Denmark’s armed forces released a video showing bubbles boiling up to the surface of the sea. The largest gas leak had caused a surface disturbance of well over 1 km (0.6 mile) in diameter, the armed forces said.

Today we faced an act of sabotage, we don’t know all the details of what happened, but we see clearly that it’s an act of sabotage, related to the next step of escalation of the situation in Ukraine,” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said at the opening of a new pipeline between Norway and Poland.

Seismologists in Denmark and Sweden registered powerful blasts in the areas of the leaks on Monday, Sweden’s National Seismology Centre told public broadcaster SVT. German geological research centre GFZ also said a seismograph on the Danish island of Bornholm had twice recorded spikes on Monday.

The leaks were very large and it could take perhaps a week for gas to stop draining out of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, the head of Denmark’s Energy Agency Kristoffer Bottzauw said.

Ships could lose buoyancy if they entered the area.

“The sea surface is full of methane, which means there is an increased risk of explosions in the area,” Bottzauw said.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said sabotage could not be ruled out. “We are talking about three leaks with some distance between them, and that’s why it is hard to imagine that it is a coincidence,” she said.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called it “very concerning news. Indeed, we are talking about some damage of an unclear nature to the pipeline in Denmark’s economic zone.” He said it affected the continent’s energy security.

Neither pipeline was pumping gas to Europe at the time the leaks were found amid the dispute over the war in Ukraine, but the incidents will scupper any remaining expectations that Europe could receive gas via Nord Stream 1 before winter.

Operator Nord Stream said the damage was “unprecedented”.

Both pipelines contained gas although they were not in operation.

Gazprom (GAZP.MM), the Kremlin-controlled company with a monopoly on Russian gas exports by pipeline, declined comment.

“There are some indications that it is deliberate damage,” said a European security source, while adding it was still too early to draw conclusions. “You have to ask: Who would profit?”

Well, it’s good that we would be asking that very important question for the first time ever.

I’ve always been an advocate for asking that question, and it’s been banned from being asked for years now, and certainly banned in relation to the Ukraine conflict.

These people are just saying it’s a false flag, like they say about everything, but are not making any coherent argument.


Ukraine has accused Russia of causing leaks in two major gas pipelines to Europe in what it described as a “terrorist attack”.

Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhaylo Podolyak said the damage to Nord Stream 1 and 2 was “an act of aggression” towards the EU.

He added that Russia wanted to cause pre-winter panic and urged the EU to increase military support for Ukraine.

“Gas leak from NS-1 [Nord Stream 1] is nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by Russia and an act of aggression towards the EU. Russia wants to destabilise the economic situation in Europe and cause pre-winter panic,” Ukraine’s Mr Podolyak tweeted in English.

He also called on European partners, particularly Germany, to increase military support for Ukraine.

The best response and security investment are tanks for Ukraine. Especially German ones,” he said.

Yeah, everything is an opportunity to call for more weapons and money.

The media won’t ever blame the Ukraine for this pipe attack, but everyone in Europe is going to know they did it, even if Americans are too stupid to figure it out.

Support has to be waning.