Nog Randomly Shot Woman Walking Her Dog to Prove He’s a Violent Animal

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
December 22, 2017

Blacks are the only race who will shoot some random woman walking her dog to show how crazy and violent they are.


Police say a man randomly shot a woman walking her dog in Bywater earlier this month to show his girlfriend how “crazy” he could be, according to reports.

The New Orleans Advocate reports that Glen Alveris got away with the shooting until he got into another fight with his girlfriend, ending in her stabbing him several times. While being questioned, the girlfriend said Alveris threatened her and randomly shot a bystander on Dec. 10 near North Rampart and Montegut streets.

Court documents reveal that the 54-year-old woman was walking her dogs with a man when they heard what they thought was backfire coming from a car passing by. She then realized the noise was gunshots after she felt something strike her left leg.

Blacks are the only group that I’m aware of that prizes unhinged and insane behavior as a positive trait.