Nordic Resistance Movement Calls For ‘Stoning of Traitors” Amidst Grenading of Police

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 1, 2017

There’s been some interesting news coming out of Sweden in recent weeks.

Fria Tider:

The government’s solution to the vast amount of explosive objects in Sweden such as hand grenades is an amnesty for such items, reports DN. The use of hand grenades has increased significantly in recent years. Earlier this week, a hand grenade was thrown at police officers outside of the police headquarters in Uppsala.

Between October 2018 and January 2019, criminals will be able to hand in their hand grenades and other explosive items to the police without the risk of punishment.

In 2015 there were 10 cases in Sweden with hand grenades that detonated. By 2016 the number had increased to 27, and last year 52 detonated.

On Monday a grenade was thrown against police in Uppsala. The grenade bounced away from the officers who were uninjured.

A string of bombings and attacks aimed at the police by Muslims is being complimented quite nicely by the Nordic Resistance Movement’s protests and activism.

It’s a good speech that calls out all the usual suspects such as the corrupt politicians and above all the (((journalists))).

But actually, it’s remarkable how openly national socialist these guys are, even if they have to tone down the talk about the Jews or hide it behind euphemisms.

Their organization has been hit hard recently by the banks going after their accounts too.

It’s a shame that the banksters can’t show the same diligence with Islamic terror groups operation in Sweden and Europe, but alas, to deny them grenades would be a crass culturally insensitive move to make.

And by the way, if you didn’t know, Sweden is moving towards a “cashless” economy, where everything is electronic and digitized. Even now, you can’t buy bus tickets between the suburbs and the city without using a credit card. Everything is collated and quantified, your entire purchasing history will be at the tips of some soy boy banker and his Shlomo boss.

And if you’re acting like bad goys, they can just deny your organization its own funds. Which is the end of said organization. Money is the lifeblood that flows through any poltical movement. Can’t do it through fighting spirit alone.

Hell, they may even just do the same for you on an individual level as well soon. A CrimeThinking Swede might wake up one day and realize that he can’t even purchase a bus ticket anymore because the Jews are mad at him.

People that aren’t willing to part with the comforts of 21st century living will literally keep their mouth shut so that they can keep their credit cards. Everyone else will be reduced to Varg-posting in the woods.

Interesting times in Sweden, lads. Interesting times indeed. If things ever kick off there,  we burgers will raise a volunteer army and ship over. I plan on being Red Team Leader of the 51st Dodge Challenger Light Brigade. Shit will be Mad Max tier at the rate things are going, and I’m not even sure I want it to stop at this point.