NY Dem Who Said Feds are Preparing to Exterminate Black Race Gets Accused of Inciting White Police to Violence

Daily Stormer
September 10, 2014

Is there anything more ridiculous than Black people?

Daily Caller:

The New York Councilwoman who claimed the federal government of “AmeriKKKa” is going to “round up and execute” black people following the Ferguson shooting stormed out of a meeting Thursday after a new accusation was leveled against her.

Sgt. Tom Hoffman, president of the Police Benevolent Association, said in the meeting that Democratic Councilwoman Anastasia Robertson took part in a group effort to incite a white police officer to violence, because he was talking to a black woman involved in a domestic dispute, reported the Times Union.

“This is why the black community doesn’t respect the police,” Robertson allegedly said with a camera pointed at the officer. “You only go after black people.”

Hoffman said her effort to foment anti-police sentiment was “unethical and unprofessional,” and asked the Ethics Committee to consider removing her from her position.

She serves on the Public Safety Committee, in addition to her elected position on the Troy City Council.

After showing her support for Black mob violence, Anastasia Robertson has now been accused of trying to incite White Police to violence, so she can accuse them of being ‘racist.’

“I’ve been a proud member of the Troy police department for almost 25 years,” he said as Robertson gathered her things and walked out. “And I have never witnessed a more disrespect towards the group of men and women, who put their lives on the line everyday for the citizens of this community.”

One woman is heard in the video yelling at Robertson to “sit down and take it!”

Hoffman’s comments followed an apology from Robertson about earlier comments she posted online claiming the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., is evidence the government is getting ready to “round up and execute blacks” in hopes of exterminating them.

“I do recognize my word choice was unfortunate and offensive to some,” Robertson said in her apology. “That was not my intent.” She also said her comments were made as a private citizen, and influenced by her worldview. “I’m an African-American. My experience may be very different than some people.”

Here is a screenshot from Grio, where she’s been commenting on an article about Michael Brown. “We are hogs for the slaughter,” she says.
