Officials Hail Czar Putin as the Savior of Modern Russia on His 70th Birthday

Hopefully, instead of only saving Russia, Putin saves the whole world by crushing the Anal Empire.

Of course, in fact, he can only save Russia by doing that.


President Vladimir Putin turned 70 on Friday amid fawning congratulations from subordinates and a plea from Orthodox Patriarch Kirill for all to pray for the health of the longest-serving paramount leader of Russia since Josef Stalin.

Putin, who rose to the Kremlin’s top job on the last day of 1999, is facing the biggest challenge of his rule after the invasion of Ukraine triggered the gravest confrontation with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. His army there is reeling from a series of defeats in the past month.

On his birthday, Putin is due to attend an informal summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States in St Petersburg, the former imperial capital founded by Peter the Great that is his hometown.

Obsequious officials hailed Putin as the saviour of modern Russia while the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia implored the country to say two days of special prayers so that God grants Putin “health and longevity”.

We pray to you, our Lord God, for the head of the Russian State, Vladimir Vladimirovich, and ask you to give him your rich mercy and generosity, grant him health and longevity, and deliver him from all the resistances of visible and invisible enemies, confirm him in wisdom and spiritual strength, for all, Lord hear and have mercy,” Kirill said.

Putin, who vowed to end the chaos which gripped Russia after the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union, is facing the most serious military crisis any Kremlin chief has faced for at least a generation since the Soviet-Afghan war of 1979-89.

Opponents such as jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny say that Putin has led Russia down a dead end towards ruin, building a brittle system of incompetent sycophants that will ultimately collapse and bequeath chaos.

Supporters say Putin saved Russia from destruction by an arrogant and aggressive West.

“Today, our national leader, one of the most influential and outstanding personalities of our time, the number one patriot in the world, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, turns 70 years old!” Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said.

“Putin has changed the global position of Russia and forced the world to reckon with the position of our great state.”

Putin is the only white leader who even matters. The rest of them are literally interchangeable.

What Putin proves is that you have to have strong leaders. If your leaders are interchangeable, then someone other than your leaders is controlling things, and those people do not have your best interests in mind in the way a strong leader does.

Probably, there’s a place to talk about what is going to happen when Putin gets too old, but despite dumb Western rumors, all indications are that he is very healthy, and has a minimum of five years left with all of his faculties.

Today, we shouldn’t talk about that, and should simply wish him a happy birthday.

07, King.