Old Swiss Women Sue Swiss Government Because Cow Farts are Literally Killing Them

Literal death by cow farts.


More than 2,000 women are taking the Swiss government to court claiming its policy on climate change is violating their right to life and health.

The case is the first time the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will hear a case on the impact of climate change on human rights.

It follows six years of unsuccessful battles through the Swiss courts.

Temperatures in Switzerland are rising faster than the global average and there are ever more frequent heatwaves.

The Swiss women – who call themselves the Club of Climate Seniors and have an average age of 73 – say climate change is putting their human rights, their health and even their lives at risk. Their evidence to the court includes their medical records.

They want the ECHR to order Switzerland to work harder at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the campaigners, Elisabeth Stern, told the BBC: “Due to climate change, we have more heatwaves and older women suffer more. They die more often during these heatwaves than they otherwise would.

“Some people say, why are you complaining, you’re going to die anyway. But we don’t want to die just because our Swiss government has not been successful in coming up with a decent climate policy.”

The European Climate and Health Observatory says that projected increases in average temperature are likely to have “serious impacts on public health” across Europe, particularly among elderly people.

In the last 20 years, heat-related mortality in people older than 65 in Europe has increased by more than 30%, it says.

The number of old people worldwide has exploded in the last 60 years, and is still growing fast. This is where you get all those “record deaths” from heatwaves and other climate phenomena.

The Swiss government does not deny that climate change can affect health – but says it cannot be tied specifically to older women’s health.

If the women are successful, the case could set a precedent for every one of the European court’s 46 member states.

World temperatures are rising because of human activity, and climate change now threatens every aspect of human life.

You see how this works. The government creates these groups of “citizens” who are fanatically supportive of some agenda the government wants to push.

No one was ever thinking about global warming before the government started pushing this global warming agenda. The weather really has not gotten any hotter during the lifetime of anyone who is currently alive. Moreover, meteorologists don’t tend to believe in global warming. So the United Nations had to create this “science” of “climatology,” and then use the media and governments to push it down everyone’s throats.

The governments rile up the people with these agendas, then the people are so retarded they think they are their own agendas, because of the emotional way they are sold. So the government has its own population demanding it do the things it wants to do.

It’s really obvious and straightforward if you’re looking for it. However, people are stupid, and they just assume that everything is exactly the way it is presented to them.