Ottawa Convoy: Cops Claim to be Working with Organizers to Clear Out the City

I told everyone there was not going to be a revolution in Canada because of a trucker convoy going for a protest.

I said the same thing I say about all of these anti-hoax protests – I support them and they’re good, but no one is going to stop anything that is happening.


But yeah, there was stuff all over the internet about how “THE REVOLUTION IS STARTING – YOU CAN’T MESS WITH THE TRUCKERS!”

I already listed my reasons why this wasn’t the case, and you can just go read the articles from last week. Firstly, their demands were not even really very good – they’re almost all already vaxed. I mean, Canada claims they have a 90% vax rate. All of the interviews with convoyists were like “I took the vax but I am not doing this checkpoint thing.”

The cops released a statement that they are working with the organizers to get the trucks out of the city.

Maybe the organizers are not in charge and maybe the truckers will hold the line for a while. That would be great. An ongoing occupation of the capital would be better than anything anyone else has done thus far.

If you read the full statement above, the cops are saying that they are not trying to provoke the protesters. They’re basically saying there are too many of them to stop. But in a different statement, they were saying they’re tracking and investigating people.

They will wait for it to thin out a bit and release the hounds.

Maybe they’ll agree to change the checkpoint thing and then just bring it back in a few months.

I’m not trying to be a Negative Nancy here.

It’s obviously a great protest.

I’m just not going to get up here and give you false hope.

The Jews of course sent someone out with a swastika flag and then whined about it.

This type of Jew style hoaxing can be used on a larger scale. They can do the 1/6 thing and send in people to start violence. Right now, there are too many people for the cops to arrest, but if they get footage of people doing violence, or if they are able to turn a significant portion of the crowd violent, they will lose public support.

Again: I never said I didn’t support this protest.

I’m just saying.

Let’s be real here.

There’s no revolution.

Maybe they’ll back off a bit. Lots of countries are backing off. This is certainly not the precise timeline I expected.

But if they back off a bit, they’re just going to come back harder later with the next variant.

You’ll also notice that the countries that are backing off are also the most vaxed. Generally. Austria is still only like half vaxed, so they’ve still got the unvaxed locked in their houses.

No country is stopping the coerced vaxing. None of the countries are doing that. The vaxing won’t stop, even if they tell you you can go to a restaurant or take your mask off or whatever. This was all intended to be permanent, and people have already gone along with it for two years.

The reason the protests are good is that it means that when the system is fully in place, it will be less stable. If someone is screaming in a painter’s face while he’s painting, the painting is not going to be as good as if there were no screamer.

So it’s fine. It’s good. Do some resistance.

But it is way, way too late to prevent things from getting a lot, lot, lot worse. It is too late to gain back power. Canada doesn’t even have an opposition party.