Overlord Gates, Lord Even of Lord Fauci, Says Maybe “Pandemic” Will be Over by End of 2022

Is it just me, or do these dates keep changing?

Maybe that’s just the Mandela effect.

It’s possible that in March of 2020, they said “three years to flatten the curve, plus many vaccines every year, and you have to take these pills and wear masks forever and also we’re collapsing the economy and transferring trillions of dollars from the middle class to the ultra rich” and we’re all just remembering wrongly.

Could be that we’re all the ones who are insane.

Could be.

Could be.


The “acute phase” of the Covid-19 pandemic will end in 2022, billionaire Microsoft founder and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates has predicted on his blog, also deeming the rise of the Omicron variant “concerning.”

“It might be foolish to make another prediction, but I think the acute phase of the pandemic will come to a close sometime in 2022,” the billionaire suggested in a post to his GatesNotes blog.

“In a couple years, my hope is that the only time you will really have to think about the virus is when you get your joint Covid and flu vaccine every fall.”

Pharmaceutical companies have historically had trouble selling the flu shot to populations due to its comparatively low effectiveness rate, which is largely due to scientists having to guess what strain of influenza will be most prevalent in any given year.

Gates, however, is bullish on therapeutics, pointing out that pharmaceutical giant Merck recently received FDA approval for its molnupiravir antiviral for high-risk people. The pill “significantly reduces your chances of being hospitalized or dying from Covid-19 (although not as much as we’d initially hoped),” he said.

This is of course just more bullshit.

The “pandemic” is never going to end, until the entire global empire collapses.

The closest thing that it is going to come to “ending” is the explanation for the pandemic measures being switched from being explained by a virus to being explained by global warming.

They are definitely going to tell you that you have to permanently accept these drastic reductions to your life to stop the weather from changing. But frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they told you to keep wearing the masks so you can keep breathing in your own CO2, which will help to make the weather colder.

“We have a study that shows people really don’t need as much oxygen as previously thought, and it is helping to reduce climate change by repeatedly sucking in your own CO2.”

This shit is getting really weird, Bill.

Better be careful.

But of course, you know that.