Women are like Jews in a lot of different ways. Among other things, women who are given power will promote other women into power, and push men out, in the same way that Jews will push out non-Jews.
Paris town hall has been fined €90,000 for appointing too many women in senior roles, a decision branded “absurd” by the city’s mayor Anne Hidalgo.
The fine was handed out by the country’s public service ministry for breaching the “Sauvadet law”.
One of the aims of the legislation, which came into force in 2013, was to ensure that more women within the civil service were promoted to management level. As such, no more than 60 per cent of management appointments can be from the same gender.
Back in 2018, 11 women were appointed to leadership positions in the Paris town hall, compared to five men, thus making up 69 per cent of appointees.
11 femmes, 5 hommes… La Ville de Paris a été condamnée à 90.000 euros d'amende parce que trop de femmes directrices ont été nommées.
Avec mes adjointes, les directrices et les présidentes de groupe, nous irons donc porter ce chèque à la Ministre de la Fonction publique. pic.twitter.com/yMDAeH86eS
— Anne Hidalgo (@Anne_Hidalgo) December 15, 2020
“This fine is obviously absurd. What’s more, it is unfair, irresponsible and dangerous,” Hidalgo, who has been at the helm of the French capital since 2014, told the city council on Monday.
“We must promote women with determination and vigour because the gap everywhere in France is still very large. So yes, in order to achieve parity one day, it is necessary to speed up the tempo and make sure that in the nominations there are more women than men,” she added.
She also said that she would bring the cheque to the ministry herself, flanked by her female deputies and senior staff.
Women, like Jews, have a collective agenda. It is just as devious as the agenda of Jews, it just happens that it is dumber.
Where Jews want to rule the world, women want to dominate and humiliate men, as revenge against their fathers, who they blame for all of the mistakes they made in their lives.
Women also seek to centralize control of sex, and distribute it only to those who they approve of (and even then, distribute it in very small amounts).
The French still don’t really understand feminism, and think it is somehow about “equality.” In actual fact, females would never accept equality, and they do not desire it: what they desire is total control and domination.