Paris Head of Hospitals Says Maybe Purebloods Should be Charged for Emergency Treatment

Maybe the unvaccinated should just be killed?

After all, they’re going to die anyway from the deadly coronavirus.

(To be clear, this is a socialized government healthcare system.)

The Guardian:

The head of hospitals in Paris has raised the question of whether Covid patients who have refused to be vaccinated should be charged for emergency treatment if they become seriously ill with the virus.

Martin Hirsch said the door to hospital treatment was open to all people but questioned whether this had to go hand in hand with “responsibility, allowing everyone to benefit,” in what he said was a “delicate debate”.

When a free prevention tool is available, can be used, is recognised as something useful by the scientific community, and you refuse it, do you do so without suffering any consequences? Or do we say we will treat you, but there is no reason why you should have no consequences when there will be for other patients who are having difficulty getting treatment and can do nothing about it,” Hirsch told the television programme C à vous.

His comments have provoked outrage and calls for his resignation, including from a number of candidates in the April presidential election.

The unvaccinated are literally according to their own data less likely to be “hospitalized with Covid.”

No Science representative at this time is making the claim that the vaxed are less likely to get sick. Maybe Fauci still says that, I don’t know, but no one else does.

Obviously, the vax is causing the illness.

That’s the only possible explanation as to why you would be more likely to get sick if you are vaxed.

Unvaxed people are of course still going to get the flu, like they always did.