Pervert Alert: Obese Hasidic Jew Caught Masturbating at Kids Movie

Goy Orbison
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2017

In Current Year America, there’s no shortage of things that have been ruined by modern conditions. Many things we enjoyed as children are not available to the kids of today. For instance, diversity has turned McDonald’s, Chuck E Cheese’s, roller rinks and even playgrounds into war zones.

The movie theater has similarly been ruined by the brown hordes, whose inability to keep quiet has made the movie-going experience unbearable.

Don’t go to a movie theater unless you’re ready for some unsolicited colored commentary on whatever you’re seeing.

However, our Negro friends are off the hook this time. For once, Tyrone really dindu nuffin.

Instead we have Shlomo, who apparently just can’t help himself when goes to see a kids movie.

NJ 101.5:

At what should have been a fun time at the movies last Friday, witnesses say a man could be seen committing a lewd act during a screening of “The Emoji Movie.”

Police say a woman who was there with her children observed the man with his hand down his unbuttoned and unzipped pants during a Friday afternoon showing at the Xscape theater on Route 9. The man, witnesses told police, was sitting in the last row.

Witnesses described the man as being a “heavy set white male” in his 20s or 30s. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black pants. Howell police said the man was also wearing a yarmulke and had either a goatee or a beard.

According to the Times of Israel, the suspect was some kind of super-Jew.

Times of Israel:

A grainy photo released by police appear to show the man with “peyot,” or sidelocks, which many ultra-Orthodox Jewish men wear.


Fortunately, the kosher creep was arrested.

News 12:

Howell police say that Abraham Parnes, 43, turned himself in to police Wednesday evening after an anonymous tip led police to his identification.

That woman reported Parnes to the theater’s manager, who asked Parnes to leave.

Police say that Parnes is a resident of Lakewood and Brooklyn. He was charged with lewdness and released on a summons.

Something interesting to note is the comments in response to the story, some of which appear to have been removed. One heeb whined about anti-Semitism and how the police in the Howell area target Jews (LOL). However, people familiar with the area weren’t having it.

Gentile names have been redacted to protect the innocent.

A Jew emerges to defend one of his own.

Nice try, David. The goyim know.

As I pointed out in my article on “Jewish lightning,” East Coast Hasids have a habit of infesting and taking over entire towns, much to the chagrin of the locals. Lakewood is one of those towns.

Even the blacks got in on the action, calling out the heebs for their penchant for welfare fraud.

You know it’s bad if a black is calling you out on welfare abuse.

What would possess someone to do something so disgusting and bizarre around children? Is it the inherent perversity of the Jew? This case hearkens back to another Jew jerking it in a movie theater, Paul Reubens (aka “Pee-Wee Herman”), star of children’s show Pee-Wee’s Playhouse.

Reubens (born Rubenfeld) was also arrested in 2002 for possessing “dozens of photographs that the city attorney’s office characterized as a collection of child pornography.” Still has a career, somehow.

Could it have something to do with the cultural implications of the most holy book in Judaism, the Talmud, teaching that pedophilia is okay? I’d assume so. This fat creep appears to be Orthodox so I’m sure he takes those “religious traditions” very seriously. Maybe in his mind this was tikkun olam and he was “healing the world” by publicly whacking it.

Jews are so sick, even the Lugenpresse can’t keep a lid on it.

Parents shouldn’t be taking their kids to see this vapid Jew-produced garbage anyway. Do you really want your kids watching some idiotic movie that implies obsessing over your phone is normal behavior? These lazy moms think just because it’s animated that it’s good for kids. It’s not.

This steaming pile of dogshit stars the hideous, unfunny kikemedian TJ Miller; someone so visually repugnant and bad at his craft that it’s obvious his career comes from ethnic nepotism.

Imagine a less masculine Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Miller of course thought one of his co-ethnics masturbating around children was hilarious.

Miller has also admitted The Emoji Movie has a political agenda.

Daily Wire:

The Emoji Movie is part of a broader movement in Hollywood to proselytize leftism, said Miller. HuffPost’s Claire Fallon described Hollywood’s political agitation as a means to “resist President Trump.”

The Emoji Movie will push feminist narratives framing females as a neo-proletariat under the thumb of men, said Miller.

America’s primary political fault line is “progressives” versus “regressives”, according to Miller. He described the former group as persons fearing the Trump administration.

Miller views the entertainment and news media industries as history-altering apparatuses:

“[Our political opponents] have also turned their artillery on media, and Hollywood specifically. They understand that we are the weapon that can possibly change the course of history.”

The rejection of “progressive” politics may destroy humanity, warns Miller, urging HuffPost and other news media outlets to stridently push leftism.

Now we know what the rabbi was getting off to.

These are the creeps making movies for your kids, folks. This isn’t just some innocent entertainment. They’re trying to brainwash them into surrendering their birthright.

This is a reminder to quit funding your enemies, to keep their Talmudic tentacles away from the impressionable minds of your children and to stay away from where these creeps congregate.

Don’t be a lazy parent. Spend some quality time with your kids so YOU can instill YOUR values in them. It’s easier said than done I know, but they will thank you for it later.