Pornography and You

I have a Twitter now and I am posting interesting materials.

For the most part, I will not be taking the time to copy them here, as I want my Twitter account to largely be a separate creative project. However, I do want to give people a reason to follow me over there.

Please note: I ask if you do follow me over there, you be politically correct and respectful. As far as I am able to tell, Elon Musk is basing the site’s rules on civility, rather than ideas, and I think we should all respect that.

If you don’t want to sign up, it is easy enough to swing through and read the posts every day or two.

I am using the site a lot this weekend as I try to build a basic following and dump some information, but I will likely not post there excessively after the first week or two.

And now…

Pornography and You: Twitter Exclusive