Post-Wall Porn Whore Mindy Robinson Falsely Claims Groypers Drove Fake Black Conservative to Attempt Suicide

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2019

Post-wall porn whores like Mindy Robinson represent true conservative values.

Fake conservative incorporated is so desperate to fight Nick Fuentes and the groyper army that they have recruited a literal 39-year-old post-wall porn whore named Mindy Robinson to shitpost against groypers on Twitter. It’s a totally comical thing to watch because there is absolutely nothing conservative about a woman who starred in pornographic movies. Yet somehow, she thinks she is in an authoritative position to speak on what it means to be a true conservative.

Robinson is now claiming that groypers are to blame for some 30-something fake black conservative named Sharika Soal attempting suicide.

Comically, it looks like Dan Crenshaw, also known as Zioclops, liked Robinson’s ridiculous tweet.

But this is absolutely a libelous claim. There is no proof that anybody tried to drive her to suicide. There isn’t even proof that an actual suicide attempt was made.

It is also not against the law to make fun of or say mean things about another person on the Internet.

Soal is a public person and part of being a public person is that people are allowed to criticize you or make fun of you. A random person with a groyper avatar is absolutely allowed to tell Soal that she is a bitch and can get “groyped.”

And besides, if you read Soal’s Twitter feed, you will see that she is a lunatic and probably belongs in an insane asylum.

Just a few minutes before I started to write this article, she posted a tweet claiming that nude photos of herself that she gave to a random man were from a screen grab she captured off of a video she found on Pornhub.

Sounds like a really believable story.

And prior to that, she talked about how she was taking anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs for weeks while ultimately drowning her sorrows in wine. It’s followed by a bunch of other incoherent and nonsensical babble.

Soal recently wrote articles for the Huffington Post, so even her credentials as a fake black conservative personality are in question.

Back in 2016, Kim Kardashian of all people threatened to sue Soal for claiming that her being robbed in Paris was a publicity stunt.

Clearly, Soal is an unhinged person desperate for attention. It’s highly probable that she would have pulled any number of dumb stunts to draw attention to herself even if the groyper army wasn’t a thing.

But man, these attacks on the groypers are getting increasingly bizarre. If bullshit accusations from porn whores and homosexual plagiarists is the best fake conservative incorporated has to counter the groyper army, they’re in some serious trouble.