Pregnant White Mother Fears for Baby’s Life After Mulatto Burglar Punches Her Down the Stairs

Daily Mail
May 19, 2015


Rachel Roda was punched in the stomach and thrown down the stairs by the offspring of sins against nature.

A pregnant mother is terrified she could lose her unborn baby after she was punched in the stomach by a burglar and then fell down the stairs.

Rachel Roda, 24, who has previously suffered a miscarriage, grappled with the intruder to protect her 15-month-old son after she found him rifling through the drawers in her bedroom.

The mother-of-one from Leeds, who was 22-weeks pregnant at the time of the attack, said medics have been unable to tell her whether she will lose her unborn baby.

‘They said it’s going to take a while before I’ll know and there’s nothing they can do,’ said Ms Roda.

‘I’m still in pain, I haven’t been sleeping. I don’t want to be in the house on my own.

‘I don’t know how anyone could do this. He needs to be caught.’

The police released this picture of the mystery-meat creature.


The robber, who was described as mixed race and aged around 25, broke in through a first floor window of the West Yorkshire home.

She was in the attic room of her home when she heard a thud and went down to find the burglar going through her drawers.

He then grabbed a PlayStation and punched her in the stomach before stealing her keys and running out.

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