“Prepare for Guerrilla War” Say Police Special Forces as the Authority of the State Crumbles in France

Diversity Macht Frei
Many 24, 2018

In these videos we see French police coming under Kalashnikov fire in Marseilles.

The local people interviewed about this incident afterwards said it was nothing special; things like that happen almost every day. Some of the footage showed them just walking around normally as the shooting went on.

Here, in a separate incident in another part of Marseille, we see a police car completely surrounded by moped-riding “jeunes” [young people]. They are intimidating the police.

Marseilles is estimated to be about 40% Muslim now.

In France, there isn’t a prefecture or sub-prefecture where there isn’t a “hot” district, an estate. Even small villages with 5000 inhabitants like Trèbes, scene of the attack against Arnaud #Beltrame, have a sensitive zone”: Jérôme Fourquet in Le Figaro

Laurence Obertone wrote a book called “France: Clockwork Orange” about the disintegration of public order and decency and the innumerable small eruptions of incivility and crime. In the course of writing his book, he made many contacts in the police. Here he relays a message he received from an anonymous member of the GIGN (police special forces units).

Message just received, intended for my readers and more generally for the civil population. Share this warning massively.

“While the mass media inundate us with the marriage in England and the Cannes festival, a large number of events described as “Miscellaneous news”, unheard-of violence on the national territory, are moving into place: Marseille “busserine” [the shooting incident shown above] with armed groups and paramilitary techniques perfectly executed, a prosecutor satisfied with the police deployment and that no one was injured, numerous attacks on police in civilian clothes by groups of “jeunes” (Grenoble, Courcouronne, etc.), violence from 200 people in Lyon La Duchère, a man beaten to death by a group of teenagers in Pau, calls for jihad in France from imams in French mosques, but also repeated suicides of police and gendarmes abandoned by the Justice system and demeaned by the higher-ups with a fixed-duration contract project to come for the forces of order while training is still a real problem.

A large number of “faint signs”, as the politicians like to call them, are passing unnoticed.

Among my comrades in the GIGN assault unit, members of and connected to intelligence units, all of these signals confirm that a guerrilla scenario is establishing itself amid a deafening silence. Our message is simple: prepare yourself.”