Pro-Life Group to Pay Nearly $1M to Planned Parenthood for Praying Outside Clinic

The state has already declared war on Christianity.

They are establishing precedent to make it illegal.

Meanwhile, the Fatmericans who claim to be Christians are talking about the very serious threat of a weather balloon.

The Guardian:

An anti-abortion group has been ordered to pay almost $1m in fines to Planned Parenthood, over demonstrations outside a clinic in Spokane, Washington state.

According to its website, the group, Church at Planned Parenthood, was formed to stage “worship service at the gates of Hell”.

It also calls itself a “gathering of Christians for the worship of God and the corporate prayer for repentance for this nation, repentance for the apathetic church and repentance of our blood guiltiness in this abortion Holocaust”.

In September 2021, a judge permanently banned protesters from the group from loudly demonstrating outside the Spokane clinic.

The judge, Timothy Fennessy wrote: “Reasonable minds can only reach one conclusion, that Covenant Church [which founded the Church at Planned Parenthood group] intends to interfere with access to or safe and effective delivery of healthcare services” the Spokesman-Review reported.

Fennessy said the demonstrations created increased increased pain and other psychiatric symptoms for patients receiving care inside the clinic, KXLY, a Spokane TV station, reported.

Last month, a Spokane county judge ordered Church at Planned Parenthood to pay approximately $960,000 to Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho, for violating state law by noisily demonstrating and interfering with patient care.

According to the Spokesman-Review newspaper, the group was required to pay $110,000 in civil damages and $850,000 in attorney fees.

In response, Paul Dillon, vice-president of public affairs for Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho, said: “This is a critical victory for Planned Parenthood at a time of historical attacks on abortion access.”

All I can think of reading about this is the response to that balloon. Twitter was covered with conservatives – all of whom would claim to be Christian – talking about the balloon, the threat of the balloon, how Joe Biden is working for the balloon, and so on. It was absolute balloon mania. Conversely, I’ve not seen a single tweet about Christianity being outlawed.

This country is doomed and everyone is evil and going to hell and you should get out while you still have your soul.