Putin: The Internet is a CIA Project

Daily Stormer
April 26, 2014


This cannot really be disagreed with.

From SiliconANGLE:

Vladimir Putin has whipped up yet more controversy by branding the Internet as a “CIA project” during a media conference on Thursday, according to the Associated Press.

The Russian leader made his comments at an interview in St. Petersburg yesterday, adding that the web had originally been set up by America’s overseas espionage agency, and that it was “continuing to develop it”.

The comments are controversial because Russia has long pushed for the Internet to be governed by the United Nations, and for individual nations to be given more control over what their citizens can access online. This notion has gained ground in countries like Brazil and Germany in recent months, following the revelations of Edward Snowden about the NSA’s Internet spying activities.

During a recent televised interview, Putin dodged a question from Snowden about whether or not Russia also intercepted and stored web communications. “I hope we don’t do that,” quipped the President. “We don’t have as much money as they do in the US.”

Putin went on to admit that suspected terrorists and criminals were subject to surveillance, but insisted Russian had no mass surveillance programs in place, even though it probably does have this capability.

I’m not sure how I feel about this internet to the UN plan.  At the same time that it would provide more security, it would also likely result in a more serious censorship capacity for the nations who do not have laws protecting free speech.