Rabbi: Children Want to be Raped and Goyim Have Sex With Dogs

Destroy Zionism!
July 9th, 2013

Rabbi Boruch Dov Lesches

Former senior Sydney Rabbi Boruch Dov Lesches, who failed to stop an alleged child molestor from sexually abusing boys at a Sydney Jewish school, said some of the victims may have consented to being raped and has warned that involving police now would ”open a can of worms”.

Rabbi Lesches is now one of New York’s leading ultra-Orthodox figures.

In a recorded telephone conversation, Rabbi Lesches admitted to counselling the alleged abuser upon learning he had sexually abused a boy a decade his junior.

In the conversation, Rabbi Lesches suggested one of the man’s victims, who was aged about 11 at the time of the abuse, may have wanted to be raped by the older Jew.

When challenged on his position that young boys could give consent, Rabbi Lesches replied ”you would be surprised” and added that some non-Jewish boys, who he called ”Goyim”, began acting or thinking sexually ”from the age of five”.

He said young Gentiles had ”nothing else to do in life, only thinking 24 hours about sex” with each other, members of their own families and even dogs.

A traditional rule, mesirah, prohibits a Jew from reporting another’s wrong-doing to non-Jewish authorities.

Rabbi Lesches is the third senior rabbinical leader to be identified as having known something about the abuse of boys at the Sydney Yeshiva in the 1980s.

Sydney Morning Herald