Race Warrior Joe Biden Tells Wily Spic He’ll Deport His Family

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2019

Joe Biden, man.

Poor guy.

They put this senile old man up there, who obviously does not have any real interest in doing this, but apparently feels some kind of duty. And they’re just tearing him apart.

He just looks like he belongs in a bar in Costa Rica with some past-sell-by-date hookers and a bunch of other senile men in their 70s talking about baseball and how he just can’t believe how cheap stuff is down here and things he remembers about gas prices in various years.

The natural habitat of Joe Bidens.

Instead, the old boomer is trying to wrangle with a bunch of woke lunatics who are fixated on destroying him because they literally hate him for the color of his skin.

His campaign is a traveling circus of elderly abuse. It’s like one of those videos of nursing home patients being beaten up by black people. And the media is just eating it up.


Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to commit a gaffe on Friday, telling immigration activists, “We need family separation.”

Biden, who is facing increased criticism over the three million deportations that occurred under President Barack Obama, made the gaffe during a campaign event in New Hampshire when confronted by immigration activists.

“I want you to apologize to the three million immigrants that were deported and separated from their families under the Obama years,” a man speaking Spanish told Biden through a translator. “I want to know if you will commit to stopping all deportations and detentions if you are elected president.”

Biden, who openly smirked when asked the question, stood defiant in the face of the activists, many of whom waved signs and chanted at the former vice president.

“No, I will not halt deportations and detentions, I would make sure that every single,” Biden said, before being cut off  by chants of “three million deportations” and “apologize now” from the crowd.

When allowed to finish, Biden said that deportations for a “serious felony” were warranted, while those for “a misdemeanor” were not.

“Under my administration, there will be no family separation until there is a hearing whether or not asylum is in fact warranted,” he said. “And there is no need to put anybody in a private prison, when we did it there was a court where you could have people show up for their hearings whether or not they were separated.”

Claiming that illegal migrants were “more likely to show up” to court proceedings “when they are together rather then being separated,” Biden reiterated that he drew the line between felonies and misdemeanors for deportation.

“I will not apologize for the deportation of people who have committed a felony,” he added. “I will apologize for deportations if in fact you were deported because in fact you were engaged in a misdemeanor… or your family was separated.”

“We need family separation,” Biden added, putting his hands together, appearing to indicate reunification instead.

I don’t know if that is so much of a “gaffe” as it is “being old.”

He’s 76.

He is mentally infirm.

He has no capacity to understand any of this “wokeness” that was just popularized in the last ten years, when he was already too old to learn to comprehend new concepts.

It was abominably cruel for the Democratic establishment to tell this old man he was destined to beat Donald Trump and then proceed to pillory him.

I mean, surely they had some obligation to tell him that his entire run was going to be subjected to attacks by the entire media, mobs of brown people chanting hate slogans at him, and Michelle Obama calling him a racist?

Joe Biden is a sellout and a shill and I shouldn’t feel bad for him. But it’s hard to watch an old man be systematically abused in this fashion – especially when they are doing it for the singular reason that he is white.