Relaxing Sunday Morning for Top Internet Personality

Hey Friends,

This will probably really only affect Europeans and people who wake up really early and immediately check the site. Maybe you should be at church anyway.

But I just wanted to say, I’m going to relax for a little bit this morning, and articles will be a little bit later than usual.

This is mostly due to working on some long things I was going to post this morning and then not finishing them. But it’s also like – gotta relax sometimes.

Last time I relaxed a little too long I got messages asking me if I was dead, and it was because posts didn’t come until like, late afternoon.

So I’m informing you I’m not dead.

This isn’t likely to be an every Sunday thing – but maybe it should be.

Also, neither Elvis nor Snake prepped anything, because they always go slow on the weekend, which means I do more. They’re poorly paid and not under contract, so I can’t complain.

Anyway, yeah, not dead – full articles coming – just want to chill and come in a bit later.

If you want content, you can listen to the four-hour stream someone did yesterday. I’m pretty proud of it overall, and it takes 3 times longer to listen to than reading the whole site takes every day. `

Not that it’s any of your damn business, but I need to teach my worthless bastard son and my google-eyed neighbors how to cook gigantic shish kebabs using the steam off a coffee pot.

His beloved Romanian mother died in a tragic boating accident when her and I were out for a romantic ride together and she slipped off the back of the boat and I didn’t notice until 3 hours later because I was focused on boating and singing along with “Pet Sounds.” Somebody’s gonna have to teach him how to cook with coffee pot steam, and to my shame, I work so much that usually the only time I get to spend with him is when I get drunk and slap him around to strengthen his character. A strong character is important, but a man needs to know how to cook a humongous shish kebab using the steam from a coffee pot.

My dad never taught me how to do this, so I had to teach myself.

To my dad’s credit, he did teach me how to drive a boat, and told me that you always have to periodically look back to make sure your cherished and faithful wife didn’t slip off the back. Unfortunately for her, sometimes when I’m listening to the Beach Boys, I just get so into it that I forget to do common sense things.

If we have time, I also want to teach the bastard kid how to do a Mexican-style First Amendment audit on a cop.

It’s also Elliot Rodger’s Day on Monday, so I’d like to teach him how to drive a boat, and how to explain to a woman where the best place to sit is if she wants to get the most enjoyment out of the summer sun.

Point being: articles coming mid to late morning EST. Maybe some really good long ones, depending on whether or not I’m able to fix these things I’m working on. Maybe filler garbage. Who knows. The Daily Stormer is like a box of chocolates – you never know if it’s going to be a creamy solid piece of milk chocolate or a thin veneer filled with some kind of disgusting paste.

For the record, I’m always less rushed on Sundays, as Europeans at least are aware.