Remember: There is No Actual “Biden Vax Mandate”

People apparently don’t know this, but it is a neat factoid: there is no Joe Biden executive order on mandating the deadly coronavirus vaccine.

Basically, Joe Biden announced that he was planning to sign an executive order “mandating that all companies with 100 or more employees” force their people to take the vaccine, but as of right now, no such order exists.

The one that does exist is that all federal contractors have to take the vax.

That is what Southwest Airlines blamed for them forcing all their employees to take this deadly experimental gene therapy drug. However, that doesn’t really seem to hold up.

Aside from what that tweet is saying, most of the “federal contractor” stuff is done in a separate section of a company. There are all of these different things you have to comply with when you’re doing federal contracting. Only 3% of Southwest’s business is federal contract related, so I’m sure they have something set up where they don’t have to have full compliance across the entire company for all federal guidelines. Big corporations have a way of compartmentalizing federal contracting.

Anyway – whatever. Southwest is choosing to force people and then just blame Joe Biden. We’ll see how that works out; the situation of Southwest walkouts is ongoing and it’s hard to find information on it because of the media censorship. Officially, the media is still claiming that there are no walkouts/sickouts and Southwest just canceled huge numbers of flights because of the weather (while no other airline was canceling flights).

The other issue here is that Southwest is based in Texas, and Texas is supposedly banning mandates.

Southwest is saying they’re going to comply with the feds instead of Texas.

Greg Abbott should get up out of his wheelchair and arrest everyone who works at the company. He probably will not do anything, actually.

Maybe you should stop electing cripples? 

But the thing to understand here is this: whatever the details of the Southwest situation, they are acting on a different executive order, which only applies to federal contractors. The claim that Biden made that he was going to force every company in the country to comply with this was just a bluff.

Right now, there is no law mandating the vaccine to anyone other than federal contractors. Probably, the White House is worried about getting challenged in court, and understands that most people do not know that there is no official order on the total mandate.

Again, I should make it clear: in the long run, it doesn’t matter, because they are just going to force the issue, by hook or by crook. But this government is not competent, and people need to stop being so afraid of it.

Things are not hopeless. They are very bad, but they are not hopeless. As long as you are able to stay out of the way of this machine for a while, the machine is going to collapse. That will mean a sort of Mad Max type situation for a while. But regional governments will form in the corpse of the United States, and slowly but surely, order will return.

We’re entering into the worst part of history right now. But it won’t last very long. I say “a decade,” but it could be much shorter than that.