Remembering a Comrade: A Fine Daily Stormer Commenter has Passed Away

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2014

Rest in Peace.
Rest in Peace.

We got some sad news today, as the son of regular commenter Brandon informed us that his father had passed away.

Hey Andrew, i know this is off topic, but I wanted to mention an occasional commenter on your wonderful site. He went by the name of “Brandon,”; he was my father. Anyways, I just wanted to share that today, about 10:30am on the 8th of this month, here in Charlotte, NC, he passed away. He was a perfectly healthy White man, at the age of 73. I don’t know of many men his age that were in as good of health as he was. But he was a great and wonderful father to me and my family, and a Great Warrior. I just thought I’d personally share this with you; He was very fond of your amazing work here on this site. Thanks again Andrew, and may Yahweh bless you and all our brothers and sisters.

Many here on the site will recognize the name.  He commented nearly daily for many months.

It is extremely humbling to know that Brandon’s son felt the site important enough to mention while grieving for his father.  We do what we do for love, and it is moving beyond description that we are able to better people’s lives.

Seventy-three years is a very good run.

He was commenting up until the day he died, last commenting on an article about elephants.

Though I did not know him from anywhere other than the comments, Brandon was a Christian man and a great admirer of Adolf Hitler.

May God rest his soul.
