Remorseless Non-White Brute Gets 28 Years for Multiple Stabbing of Deaf White Man

September 14, 2014


A man has been sentenced to life in prison for killing a man in a “brutal” stabbing attack.

Christopher Penman, 58, was found dead in his bed in Beaumont Leys, Leicester, on 22 February. He had been stabbed 23 times.

Police believe Awat Akram, 25, of Beaumanor Road, Leicester, killed Mr Penman in an act of jealousy over his ex-partner.

At Leicester Crown Court, Akram was told he would serve at least 28 years.

The court heard how on the evening Mr Penman’s body was discovered, Akram, who is deaf, went up to police at the cordon around the house and gestured to officers he ought to be arrested.

Leicestershire Police believe Akram broke into the house, looking for his ex-partner, a deaf woman who was then in a relationship with Mr Penman.

Leicester Crown Court.

Speaking after the trial, Det Insp Shaun Orton said: “This was a particularly challenging investigation, as not just Akram is deaf, but the majority of witnesses were also deaf or hard of hearing.

“Akram killed Christopher in a brutal manner. He then went on to deny his involvement in the murder and told police several lies designed to mislead and obstruct the investigation.


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