Republicans Now Adopting Pro-Abortion Stance to Finally Win Bigly

I never understood how they supported gays and not abortion.

So, this is no shock.

The Guardian:

In one state, Republican women filibustered to block a near total abortion ban introduced by their own party. In another, the Republican co-sponsor of a six-week abortion ban subsequently tanked his own bill. On the federal level, a Republican congresswoman warns that the GOP’s abortion stance could meaning “losing huge” in 2024.

As states continue to bring in tighter restrictions on abortion following the fall of Roe v Wade, internal divisions within the Republican party on the issue are starting to show.

Divisions most clearly started to show last week in the deep red states of South Carolina and Nebraska, where Republicans roundly rejected further attempts to curtail abortion rights last week.

In South Carolina on Thursday, all five female senators – three of them Republican – led a filibuster that ultimately blocked a bill which would have banned abortion from conception with very few exceptions.

That was the third time a near-total ban on abortion has failed in the Republican-dominated senate in South Carolina since Roe was overturned last summer.

We told them, ‘Don’t take us down this path again for the third time in six months – you will regret it.’ And so we made them regret it,” said state senator Sandy Senn, who spoke at length on the senate floor on Thursday, of the male Republican senators continuously pushing abortion restrictions in her state – including in an earlier attempt this year to make abortion a crime punishable by the death penalty. Abortions remain legal until 22 weeks in the state, which has become a safe-haven for abortion in a region with increasingly limited options.

Sandy Senn

With nothing having changed since the last two times the senators brought the bill, Senn said her Republican counterparts knew another abortion ban had no hopes of passing. But with an election looming in 2024, she believes they are keen to flaunt their anti-abortion positions.

“He was just trying to flex his Republican credentials,” she said of Shane Massey, the senate leader, who voted in favor of the bill. “He wants people to know, ‘I want a strict ban, I want no abortion. I’m going to try it for the third time and lose, but it’s not my fault that we lost – it’s these Republicans who voted against me.’”

In Nebraska, an attempt to bring a six-week abortion ban failed by a single vote in the majority Republican chamber. Merv Riepe, a Republican senator who had initially co-sponsored the bill chose to withhold his vote Thursday, becoming an unlikely player in the bill’s demise, having voting in its favor as recently as two weeks prior.

But Riepe had raised hesitations about the bill back in March, telling local press that six weeks might not be enough time for a person to realize they are pregnant and get an abortion.

He did propose an amendment to the bill on Thursday, proposing a ban on abortion after 12 weeks, but other Republican legislators rejected it, saying they had already compromised enough.

Barrett Marson, a GOP strategist based in Arizona, said that these increasingly visible tensions may speak to a difficulty that Republicans are having trying to balancing different wings of the Republican party.

I would think this would be a shock to the voters.


No, I wouldn’t really think that.

Doomed nation abandoned by God and so on.