Right-Wing Tech Tycoon Attacked for Offering Stupid Bitch $100,000 to Take Off Her Mask on the Plane

The headlines all make it look like he offered her the money for sex. They don’t mention the mask, and just say “offered woman a $100,000 proposition.”

New York Post:

A tech tycoon has been branded a “creep” after allegedly offering a woman $100,000 to take off her face mask on board a Delta flight.

Steve Kirsch took to Twitter to say he made the anonymous passenger the offer last Friday.

“I am on board a Delta flight right now. The person sitting next to me in first class refused $100,000 to remove her mask for the entire flight,” the millionaire wrote. “No joke. This was after I explained they don’t work. She works for a pharma company.”

Kirsch accompanied his post with a selfie that showed him smiling on board the full flight. He did not disclose the destination to which he was traveling.

The Post reached out to Kirsch for comment.

Kirsch is a Silicon Valley veteran who is credited with one of the first versions of the optical mouse back in 1980. He later co-founded Frame Technology Corp, which was bought by Adobe in 1995, and created the search engine Infoseek, which sold to Disney in 1999. His net worth was reported at $230 million in 2007.

We’re all sick of these sickening vaxies still wearing their masks long after it’s been fully exposed that the “pandemic” was a hoax.

I wouldn’t give someone money to take it off, though. Kirsch is really too kind. We know that these masks are increasing the likelihood of serious illness and disease, and I really just hope all of these people die at this point.

We warned them over and over again, and they just kept doing this insane stuff because the media told them to. They all just need to die. I’m really disappointed the vax is taking so long to wipe them out.