Right-Wing Tranny Strikes Out Against Anti-Israel Protesters in Defense of Anal

You might remember that after a 2016 gay nightclub in Florida was shot-up by a Moslem, Republicans said that this was a reason to vote Republican. They said “liberals are the real homophobes” because they support Islamic immigration, and that Republicans would defend gay analism from brown people.

At this time, several homosexuals were celebrated as “good conservatives.” This included the grotesque Jew Dave Rubin and the publisher of the Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft.

Gateway Pundit publisher Jim Hoft is “anally married” to a literal Filipino catamite.

In the time since then, homosexuals have gotten much more aggressive in publicly targeting children for abuse, which has led to a conservative backlash against them. This then created weird situations where the “conservative faggots” were coming out and saying that there are different types of faggots and not all of them want to fuck children (a blatant lie).

It’s not the least bit surprising that the Jews who run the Republican Party would be rolling out the “we defend anal” argument as a pro-Israel talking point.

New York Post:

A conservative drag performer schooled an anti-Israel Pride marcher on her contradictory support for anti-gay Palestine in an incredible exchange captured on video — that has now racked up millions of views and sparked widespread debate online.

The video, posted last week on X, features die-hard Trump supporter Lady Maga, also known as Ryan Woods, decked out in fairy princess regalia doing man-on-the-street Pride Month interviews in Salt Lake City.

In the viral segment now viewed more than 3 million times, Woods has a candid conversation with a young woman in a rainbow skirt about her views on Israel’s war with Hamas.

When she acknowledges she’s anti-Israel, Woods points out, “as a gay man, I would be punished, put in prison or killed if I was openly gay in Palestine,” and asked her to react.

The marcher pauses and cocks her head to the side, initially unsure how to react before acknowledging “I didn’t know that.”

It might seem like the “we stand with Israel because they do man-on-man anal” narrative would clash with “the Bible somehow says you should support the genocidal Zionist occupation of Palestine” narrative.

Apparently, however, it does not.