Rochester: Mostly Peaceful Rioters Try to Seize City Hall

We really need some new frank polls about Black Lives Matter.

People supported them in the middle of the George Floyd hysteria, but with them now rioting over increasingly idiotic events, and with the ongoing violence and threats against normal people, they have to be rapidly losing support.

Their recent riots have been pretty low energy.


Rochester police dispersed demonstrators from in front of City Hall on Wednesday morning as protests over the suffocation death of Daniel Prude continued.

Protesters who gathered outside the downtown building Tuesday had said that they would remain there until police officers involved in Prude’s detainment in March were arrested and fired.

A line of helmeted officers swept through the area around city hall at about 8 a.m. Dozens of chanting protesters remained on the scene for several hours. Police said 16 people had been arrested cited for disorderly conduct.

The city has been roiled by protests since police body camera videos were made public by Prude’s family earlier this month. The videos show Prude handcuffed and naked with a spit hood over his head as an officer pushes his face against the ground, while another officer presses a knee to his back. The officers held him down for about two minutes until he stopped breathing. He was taken off life support a week later.

This man was high on PCP, and he was saying he had coronavirus and was spitting on the cops.

It’s unfortunate that he died, I’m sure, but it isn’t reasonable to behave this way and expect to be pampered like a baby.

Remember: BLM is rioting in Pennsylvania because a cop shot a man who was rushing him with a knife.

None of this is reasonable anymore. These blacks are out of control, and they are working with actual violent Jewish communist groups who are saying they’re going to overthrow the government and install a Bolshevik-type regime.

It’s become a bunch of abject nonsense.

With regards to Rochester: I’m still waiting for white people to riot over the Dunkin’ Donuts anti-white attack by a massive black bitch.