Ronny Transferring Florida Resources to the Jews, Says He’s Planning to Send Weapons (?!?)

I don’t understand how this is even legal.

How can a state government transfer resources outside of the country?

Like, isn’t that something to do with the Civil War, I think? That a state government is not allowed to engage in international alliances?

The Guardian:

His pathway to the presidency looks more forbidding than ever, but tanking poll numbers and a stalled campaign have not dissuaded Ron DeSantis from running foreign policy as if he was the incumbent in the White House.

A bold lede for an article not marked as an op-ed.

It’s true. Though I still prickle at this editorialization.

Florida’s Republican governor has raised eyebrows and hackles by using state resources for a series of actions and operations since the Israel-Hamas war began that come under the purview of the federal government.

They include “evacuating” hundreds of US citizens from Israel on charter flights; exporting humanitarian aid and claiming to have procured weapons; as well as activating Florida’s militarized state guard “as needed, to respond” to an overseas conflict.

Yeah, I’m sure that part is illegal.

A state governor cannot engage in international arms trafficking.

Additionally, he has summoned Florida’s legislature for an emergency session next week that will, among other issues, seek to impose more state sanctions on Iran, a key ally of Hamas, replicating measures already in place at federal level for decades.

Democrats in Florida, who have become used to their absentee governor campaigning in other states as he pursues his flailing White House run, say DeSantis has crossed a line.

They’re really being rough on this faggot.

His poll numbers have not dumped recently.

He had some moment of glory when everyone was angry at Trump about the vaccines, but he turned out to be so unlikeable and slimy, and his campaign was so poorly managed, he collapsed totally in like what, January?

Okay, wait – no.

This shows him at his high point in January, but it collapsed a few months after that.

It has actually gotten worse.

This is humiliating. Why doesn’t he drop out?

I had no idea he would be this bad. Back in 2021, I thought he presented an actual challenge to Trump, honestly. The first time I saw that video of him laughing, however, it was obviously over. He is like, a true hardcore moron. The last of real stupid morons. He can’t do basic things.

Of course, when he sees his entire life collapsing – to the point where he is so hated, that he is never going to get back to governor level, let alone anything else – he reflexively just dumps money on the Jews.

“President Biden is the commander in chief of our military, not Ron DeSantis,” Nikki Fried, chair of the state’s Democratic party, said in a statement to the Miami Herald, commenting on the governor’s claim that he helped source weapons, ammunition and other military equipment for Israel, an assertion that later unraveled.

This is a gross breach of norms and a potential violation of federal laws governing the shipment of weapons.”

It is illegal international arms trafficking. People get life sentences for this. It’s a serious crime.

Why would he make such a claim?

In a statement to the Guardian, a state department spokesperson confirmed it “did not collaborate with the state of Florida on humanitarian and evacuation flights to and from Israel [and] the department was not notified in advance of these flights”.

DeSantis employed a familiar argument to justify Florida wading into the Middle East conflict, insisting that the administration of Joe Biden was “not doing what it takes to stand by Israel”. It echoed his citing of the president’s perceived “failures” over immigration to rationalize his sending of state law enforcement personnel to the US southern border, the preserve of the Department of Homeland Security.

Apparently, he’s hoping Jews swing in and save him.

After all, he gave them his human soul.


It’s not happening.

It’s over, Ronny, you filthy communist.

Just give up.

You did the laugh, you shut down free speech, you’re stupid and ugly and fat. No one likes you.

No Support for Jews

If we combine the Jew lovers all together, including Ron and Nimrata, it comes to 28%.

Republicans have clearly lost the fanatical Israel support. Even the boomers who were so blood-crazed after 9/11 appear tired of hearing about the Jews. It appears we’ve gotten to the point that America’s problems are serious enough that people don’t feel like they can be focused on a foreign country anymore.

That’s probably why the Jews have gone buckwild. They know the tap is about to run dry.

If I was in charge of Pixar, I would make a touching film about a fat Italian and an Indian woman committing treason to help Jews murder children.

I went ahead and… well, I went ahead and commissioned some concept art to submit to Bob.

Title: “Nimrata & Ronny.”

Act I: Hacking the Mainframe

Act II: Trouble Along the Way

Act III: Finishing the Deal

Satisfying Happy Ending:

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.