Rotherham Newspaper Smears Far-Right as Mosque Burglars Despite Police Denying It

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2014

There wasn’t any trouble at the Far-Right demonstration in Rotherham, so the newspaper decided to pretend a burglary was a hate crime instead.

This is a perfect example of how our two tier justice system works. This mosque in Rotherham has been burgled, which is a very common crime now in Britain since it became multicultural. The Muslims are not asking for the burglary to be investigated though, they are demanding that it receive special treatment as a ‘hate crime,’ just because they are Muslims.

None of those 1400 victims in Rotherham have been able to claim that being raped was a ‘hate crime,’ even though they were targeted because of their race, as they are just lowly White people and do not deserve to get special attention.

Thankfully, the Police are refusing to cave in to the Muslims and have told them that it was related to a spate of burglaries in the area. This has not stopped the local newspaper from giving publicity to the whining parasites though. Over half the article is devoted to them squealing about hate crimes and bigotry, with a few buzz-words like ‘innocent Muslims’ and ‘islamophobic’ thrown in for effect.

The break-in also took place after a recent Far-Right march, so the media are keen to make them look bad too and associate patriots with the type of people who burgle mosques. They even had the cheek to reference it as a ‘hate crime’ attack, despite the Police expressly denying that.

Do these look like burglars?

Rotherham Advertiser:

Burglars have targeted a town centre mosque in an apparent hate attack.

Raiders broke into Chapel Walk Mosque in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

They ransacked offices, stole money from a collection box and damaged microphone equipment.

They also threw copies of the Qur’an on the floor, leading one faith leader to blame right wing elements.

Rotherham Council of Mosques chair Saghir Alam said: “There was a lot of damage. I just can’t understand it. This is meant to be a place of peace, spirituality and worship.”

He added: “This went beyond burglary because they didn’t just steal something and leave — they’ve damaged the electrics and thrown our holy books around.

“I can’t say for sure it was a hate crime, but these facts suggest that it is.”

Fiyaz Mughal, director of national anti-bigotry group Tell MAMA, said: “Given that the place was smashed up and holy books thrown on the floor, this could well be a hate crime.

“People target mosques because they are very visible institutions, so sadly this isn’t news to us.”

He added: “Before the march on Saturday some were putting addresses of mosques on Twitter and saying: ‘Let’s smash them up.’”

Last week Chief Supt Jason Harwin said police are working with mosques to stamp out attacks on innocent Muslims, following a spate of street attacks.

Saghir said officers have been “very proactive” in investigating these reports, as well as Wednesday’s break-in.

A police spokeswoman confirmed that officers responded to the burglary, but played down links to Islamophobic crime.

“There is no indication at this stage that this is a racially motivated incident, but rather connected to a series of burglaries within the town centre,” she said.“South Yorkshire Police is working closely with the local community and business owners to provide reassurance.”

Two males were seen leaving the area following the break-in and heading towards College Walk.

Anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting incident number 120 of September 17. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.