Russia to Become India’s Biggest Oil Supplier, Sanctions Only Damaging West

Related: Russia Asks India to Supply Big List of Needed Products, India is Happy to Boost Trade

These sanctions against Russia are the single worst debacle in American history.

You see the way that the Jews are dealing with Ye – making themselves the absolute villain in the minds of a huge portion of the American population. It’s a totally unforced error. They had to “get Kanye,” and everyone saw it; now the whole country is becoming skeptical of them, and actually beginning to loathe them.

Related: Jonathan Greenblatt Explains Why “We” Have to”Get Kanye”

It’s the same thing with the sanctions. This is Jewish paranoia and greed for power spinning totally out of control, and causing them to make decisions that simply are not in their best interest.

The importance of the US being totally cut out of trade among Russia, China, and India cannot be overstated. Saudi and other countries are now joining this emerging new bloc.

The multipolar world is already here.

The Independent:

Russia is on its way to becoming India’s top oil supplier this month, with Moscow making huge inroads into the Asian giant’s energy sector in a move that will likely undermine the impact of a price cap imposed by G7 countries and their Western allies.

Russian crude oil loadings bound for India climbed to the highest level ever in November as refiners purchased more than 1.03 million barrels per day (bpd), according to data provided to The Independent by commodities tracking firm Kpler.

The Narendra Modi-led government has been snapping up crude at discounted rates from Russia since the Ukraine invasion, as Western nations looked to pivot away from their reliance on Moscow for energy supplies.

From almost nothing in January and February this year, Russia’s oil exports bound for India climbed to 902,000 bpd by October and rose to a record high of a little more than 1 million bpd in November, according to preliminary data.

This will likely result in Russia being India’s number 1 supplier in December,” Matt Smith, lead oil analyst at Kpler, told The Independent, overtaking its traditional Middle Eastern partners – Saudi Arabia and current top supplier Iraq – for the first time.

Delhi has not committed to the $60 per barrel price cap on Russian oil set by the G7 countries, including the European Union and Australia, in a bid to squeeze the Kremlin’s earnings from oil exports and stymie the money flowing to Vladimir Putin’s war chest.

It also comes as the European Union’s own partial embargo on Russian seaborne crude oil announced in May came into force on Monday, the same day the G7 enforced its price cap. The EU ban covers more than two-thirds of Russian oil imports coming into European countries.

India and China have become the two largest growing economies to buy Russian oil as Western democracies devised ways to squeeze the Russian economy and deepen its isolation. Delhi has repeatedly defended its imports from Russia, saying it has a responsibility to Indian citizens to get the best deal and that it will not be “pressured” by the West.

Rajeev Jain, additional director-general at India’s petroleum ministry, told The Independent that India’s ranking in Russia’s energy trade is “not a matter for our calculations” as Delhi’s only interest is in buying the cheapest oil.

We will buy from wherever we get the cheapest oil. We are not concerned about becoming the number one or number two country [as] our interest lies in buying [wherever] we get the cheapest oil,” Mr Jain said.

He added that the G7 price cap will not affect Indian imports as the refiners buy through the best route and what is best available to them.

“We don’t negotiate on the route aspect. They buy as per their requirements and they negotiate as per the best rate available,” he said, referring to the entities involved in the trade.

India is now set to overtake the EU as the largest importer of oil from Russia, analysts say, with its purchases the major factor rendering the Western embargo measures ineffective.

India will be the key contributor to ensuring the price cap is ineffective – they were a sporadic buyer of Russian crude prior to the invasion of Ukraine, but are now importing close to one million barrels per day, a third of Russian seaborne crude exports,” said Mr Smith.

India is India First.

China is China First.

These policies the US is trying to implement are only feasible if leaders of foreign countries are willing to put US/global Jewish interests above the interests of their own people.

If they were not so filled with hubris, they would have ensured they had a deal with India to go along with the sanctions before they implemented the sanctions.

Instead, they showed up and demanded it after the fact, and India was like “actually bro, nah.”

Meanwhile, the sanctions are having an extreme, debilitating effect on America’s “allies” (i.e., slave states like Germany).

Many people don’t understand how bizarre this all is because they can’t understand the details and they can’t wrap their heads around the idea that Jews would be acting against their own interests in such a brazen way while seemingly being unable to recognize the obvious outcomes they are facing.

That is why I think it is useful to make the comparison to what they are doing with Ye. Everyone can understand that Jonathan Greenblatt going around in the media, looking like a creature out of hell, and saying “no one can ever accuse us of having power, or we will use that power we don’t have to completely destroy them and everyone they love,” is not a good look.

Soon enough, you will see the results of the bad decisions they’ve made on the world stage too.

Personally, I think the globalist/ZOG system is more or less out of the game when it comes to global domination. The only thing they could possibly do to right the ship is engineer a global economic collapse that resulted in the collapse of the CCP while not resulting in the collapse of the USA/Europe. I don’t think this is really possible, which is why they’re not going for it aggressively. It could be possible. It’s the only that that is possibly possible, and it is ultra-dangerous.