Russia to Stop Selling Metals to West

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Russia wins again!


Russia will redirect its metal exports from Western countries to alternative markets due to sanctions imposed by the EU and US, Trade Minister Denis Manturov said on Monday.

Moscow named China, Türkiye, South East Asia, member states of the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union and CIS countries as priority areas for diversifying metal supplies. According to Manturov, trade flows will also focus on the Latin American, African and Middle Eastern markets.

Speaking at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Manturov noted that “our enterprises, with the participation of trade missions, are already reorienting exports,” adding that the state will provide measures of support for logistics.

Russia is a major metals producer and exporter. According to Institut Polytechnique de Paris, last year the country held a 13% market share for titanium production, 11.2% for nickel, 10.5% for platinum, 5.4% for aluminum, 4% for copper and 4.4% for cobalt. It is the world’s top producer of palladium, a rare metal used in car manufacturing, accounting for 37% of production in 2021.

Russia is not only a major producer of primary aluminum but it is also embedded in the global supply chains needed to make the metal.

They’ve been building up to this. They needed to stabilize things first.

But Russia is now in a situation where they can just cut all commodities to the West completely, and create a separate economy that drains the wealth of the West while creating money for Russia and her allies.

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