Scandal! Families Realize Loved Ones are Wrongly Counted as Coronavirus Victims in UK

The Daily Mail asks “how many have really died?” after more and more people discovered that their dead loved ones are being counted as coronavirus victims even though they didn’t even have any kind of symptoms.

The sad part is, it doesn’t even matter how many people find out this is all a hoax, as the overwhelming majority of people will go along with it for the sheer fact that everyone else is going along with it.

Daily Mail:

Grieving families last night said deaths had been wrongly certified as Covid-19.

Demanding an inquiry, top medical experts and MPs also insisted they were ‘certain’ that too many fatalities were being blamed on the virus.

One funeral director said it was ‘a national scandal’. The claims are part of a Daily Mail investigation that raises serious questions over the spiralling death toll.

More than 100 readers wrote heartbreaking letters following a moving article by Bel Mooney last Saturday. She revealed the death of her 99-year-old father, who suffered from dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was recorded as coronavirus.

Dozens expressed similar frustrations that the causes of death of elderly and already-unwell relatives had been wrongly attributed. Eight of the families who wrote to the Daily Mail have successfully urged doctors to change causes of death previously recorded as Covid-19.

Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrat MP who chairs the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, said: ‘The Government should call a public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic immediately with an interim investigation into all Covid deaths that should report as soon as possible.’

A funeral director in the North West told the Mail: ‘The way Covid has been recorded and reported is a national scandal and a thorough enquiry should be opened immediately.’

Medical experts have cited pressure on doctors to include Covid-19 as a cause of death because it was last year ruled a ‘notifiable disease’, meaning any case needs to be reported officially.

Professor Clare Gerada, former chairman of the Royal College of GPs, said: ‘When this all comes out in the wash, we will find out we have over-recorded Covid-19 as a cause of death.’

Richard Vautrey, who chairs the British Medical Association’s GP committee, said the toll may have been overstated at the beginning of the pandemic when testing was not widely available and ‘cause of death would have been based on best judgement of clinical symptoms’.

You can read a few testimonies below.

On his death certificate, the cause of office cleaner Maurice Cummings’ demise was given as ‘Clinical Covid-19 Pneumonia’.

Just hours before he died on the Avon ward at Warwick Hospital on July 10 last year, he had been tested for the virus and the result, just as it was in the two he’d had in the previous seven weeks, was negative.

Mr Cummings, who would have been 77 on Monday this week, had never tested positive for the virus and showed no symptoms, his bewildered family say.

When they asked why his death had been attributed to coronavirus by the doctor who signed the certificate, the family say they were told by the hospital’s bereavement officer: ‘We didn’t detect the virus but some doctors still like to put it on the certificate.’

In the weeks before her death, Barbara Bell tested negative for Covid four times. Her husband John was by her side every day in her final week. He never caught the virus.

Despite this, a doctor wrote on her death certificate that Covid was the main cause of Mrs Bell’s death on October 15, at the age of 71.

When Mr Bell, 77, challenged this, he was told that Covid was listed because it was difficult to distinguish it from triple pneumonia, which is what she was suffering from. He was unable to change the cause of death on the certificate.

Sue, a grandmother to seven children, died aged 74 at her Somerset care home on June 3 last year after suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She repeatedly tested negative for Covid.

Nevertheless, her GP blamed the virus for her death. It was only when her furious husband, Alan — who asked not to be identified — contacted the surgery to object that the Covid diagnosis for his wife, a retired sales executive, was withdrawn.

It is only ever going to “come out in the wash” if we have some kind of political revolution. Otherwise, the Daily Mail printing this doesn’t really affect the trajectory of society.

Surely, the people running this hoax would prefer if the Daily Mail didn’t publish this, and they will probably be punished for doing so, in the way that Johns Hopkins was punished for admitting there are no new deaths.

But the overwhelming majority of people are committed to believing in this hoax. It is a part of their identity. There could be a sea change in that, and that would amount to a cultural and social revolution, but there is no indicator we’re going in that direction.

People need to admit how bad this actually is.