Science: “Ghostly Jellyfish” 340M Light-Years Away from Earth Sends Ultra-Low Frequency Radio Signals

Either astrophysics is in total crisis as a science (it is) or these people are preparing to tell you that earth is being contacted by aliens (probably also it is).

The Byte:

Researchers have detected ultra-low radio frequencies being emitted from a jellyfish-shaped object in a distant galaxy cluster.

The mysterious object is located 340 million lightyears from Earth in the galaxy cluster Abell 2877, according to ScienceNews. The researchers behind a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal say they used the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope in western Australia to discover the ultra-low radio frequencies — and its distinct shape.

We looked at the data, and as we turned down the frequency, we saw a ghostly jelly-fish like structure begin to emerge,” said Torrance Hodgson, lead author and PhD candidate from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth, in a press release.

Researchers dubbed the object “USS Jellyfish”— but don’t be quick to assume that it’s a nod to Star Trek. “USS” actually indicates its “ultra-steep-spectrum” radio frequency.

As you can imagine, studying radio frequencies from 340 million lightyears away presents its own special set of challenges.

“We’ve had to undertake some cosmic archeology to understand the ancient background story of the jellyfish,” said Hodgson in the press release.

However, they’ve been able to develop a working theory of where it came from: supermassive blackholes that created “powerful jets of plasma” about two billion years ago.

“This plasma faded, went quiet, and lay dormant,” Hodgson said. “Then quite recently, two things happened — the plasma started mixing at the same time as very gentle shock waves passed through the system. This has briefly reignited the plasma, lighting up the jellyfish and its tentacles for us to see.”

Black holes are at the center of astrophysics, as the explanation for everything, and they are just a total fantasy. This entire academic category has been completely overtaken by pseudoscientific gibberish.

Black holes are the origin of dark matter, dark energy, wormholes, and various other goofy nonsense.

The existence of black holes or any of this other stuff is non-falsifiable.

Increasingly, people associated with astrophysics are coming out and talking about aliens, and how they are interested in contacting them for information.

It is relatively likely that at some point, in this new Virus Regime, the government is going to role out a fake alien event, where they put it on TV that aliens have shown up to warn us about racism and global warming.

All of these people who yelled “SCIENCE” at you about masks and social distancing and vaccines will do the same if you question the aliens.

As far as unexplained plasma phenomena – people have explained this already.