
An Ironic Manifestation of Genuine Nazism

Cledun Elmy Daily Stormer September 12, 2016 Daily Stormer is often accused of “Hollywood Nazism” by people in the Alt-Right who lack understanding. So what is “Hollywood Nazism”? Until the internet, the Jews basically had total control of the Nazi image, and used it to portray Nazis as degenerate subhumans in their films, usually through association with the worst aspects …

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The Public Sector Bolsheviks and the White Kulaks

Morgoth's Review | The sexual abuse included vaginal, anal and oral rape and also involved the use of a variety of objects such as knives, meat cleavers, baseball bats… sex toys … It was often accompanied by humiliating and degrading conduct such as biting, scratching, acts of urinating, being…suffocated, tied up. They were also beaten and burnt. This sexual activity was often carried out by groups of men; sometimes it would go on for days on end.

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