Sentences Piling Up for People Protesting Baby-Killing

Father Fidelis Moscinski (left), Laura Gies (right)

The Jew-run US government is in the process of fully outlawing Christianity in America.

These are fringe cases, where you can technically say the people broke some law, but the feds are coming in and enhancing charges that would otherwise be very benign.

Life Site News:

Well-known pro-life advocates Father Fidelis Moscinski and Laura Gies were sentenced in New York this morning for “trespassing” and “obstruction” in connection to an April 2021 “Red Rose Rescue” in which they urged mothers not to abort their babies.

Father William Kuchinsky told LifeSiteNews in a Friday email correspondence that Moscinski, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, and Gies were both sentenced in the Nassau County District Court on Friday morning for “Obstruction of Governmental Administration” and trespassing.

Nassau County Judge Karen L. Moroney sentenced Moscinski to 90 days for the obstruction charge and 15 days for trespassing, to be served concurrently. Gies received 45 days for obstruction and 15 days concurrent for trespassing. Moroney rejected requests from prosecutors to punish the pro-lifers with the maximum penalty of one year behind bars.

The sentencing came in relation to a Red Rose Rescue carried out by Gies, Moscinski, and fellow pro-lifer John Hinshaw at an abortion facility on April 24, 2021. During “Red Rose Rescues,” pro-life advocates enter abortion facilities to offer flowers to pregnant mothers and encourage them not to go through with abortion.

The pro-life advocates tried to “remain with the babies they sought to rescue” during the April intervention, according to Kuchinsky, after which they were arrested and charged with trespassing and obstruction. Hinshaw has already served his sentence.

Gies, who received her sentence on Friday before Moscinski, read a prepared statement in court explaining that her pro-life intervention was conducted “peacefully” and that “it is worth the effort to reach out to mothers at abortion facilities.”

“On April 24th, 2021, I peacefully intervened between the knife and the child and mother, because this is needed resistance in the face of horrendous and grave evil,” she said. “The only difference between an unborn child and a just-born child and you and me, is time, growth, and breathing air outside her mother’s womb.”

“Abortion is a totalitarian act against a helpless child,” Gies said.

The staunch pro-life advocate reportedly quoted the battle cry of the Cristeros, “Viva Cristo Rey,” as she exited the courtroom.

Kuchinsky told LifeSiteNews that, when the time came for Moscinski’s sentencing, the “humble Franciscan priest” simply shook his head when asked if he wanted to provide a statement. Moscinski then “left the courtroom in chains but to the cries of: ‘We love you, Father!’ and, ‘You’re a hero, Father!’” from the crowd of about 15 people who came to support the pro-lifers.

Supporters in attendance included Gies’ husband as well as nuns with the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal.

According to Kuchinsky, both Moscinski and Gies had “ample time to say goodbye and hug loved ones” before being escorted away.

This isn’t Moscinski’s first sentencing this week alone.

The dedicated Catholic priest, who has been arrested many times for his fearless pro-life advocacy, was also sentenced on Tuesday to six months in prison under federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACE) Act charges for blocking access to a New York abortion facility last summer, LifeSiteNews reported.

As LifeSite previously reported, Moscinski was charged, convicted, and sentenced after he locked the gates of a Planned Parenthood facility in Hempstead, New York. The “lock and block” effort was not associated with the Red Rose Rescuers.

Though local authorities merely charged him with an ordinance violation following the action, federal authorities later brought FACE Act charges against the priest.

It’s sad there aren’t more women protesting abortion. You would think this would be something that would really bother women who have never had abortions themselves.

Women are supposed to be protective of the defenseless. That’s why they are so obsessed with coddling immigrants and black people.

I guess most American women have probably had abortions. Once they’ve had one, they have to support it in order to justify their own actions. No woman is capable of admitting she did anything wrong, ever.