Sexual Information of Primary Relevance (Or the Lies of Sex Ed Class)

As a teenager, I was up on some various facts that others were not up on because the government schools were actively lying to people.

This was in the 1990s, long before schools started promoting gay anal sex and trannies and whatever else, but they were still using the “SexEd” courses to socially engineer the people.

Firstly, they told everyone they were going to get AIDS. I am a millennial, and by the time I was in high school, it was well understood that the phenomenon known as AIDS (which is actually called “GRIDS,” or “Gay Related Immunodeficiency Syndrome) did not affect heterosexuals, so my class experienced less of this propaganda than those a bit older than me. But they did still tell kids they were going to get AIDS, even if they didn’t stress the issue.

To be clear: there remains no evidence that an HIV retrovirus causes AIDS. However, even if you believe that, it is statistically impossible for a heterosexual, who is not an IV drug user, to acquire this condition. The promotion of the claim that a heterosexual could acquire AIDS was designed to scare teenagers away from having safe, pleasurable, and reproductive sex.

An equally ridiculous lie was the claim that it was possible to get pregnant using the pullout method. It is in fact not possible to get pregnant using the pullout method, unless you fail to withdraw. Apparently, the government schools thought teenagers were too stupid to withdraw on time. However, if this is the case, you have to wonder why it is that they were teaching teenagers how to have sex in the first place.

That was the core question with all of these lies: if the government pedagogues viewed teenagers as responsible enough to have sex, then why were they not responsible enough to be given accurate information?

One very interesting fact that the school skipped – and which I find many adult men go through their entire lives ignorant of – is that a woman can only actually get pregnant during a very short window of ovulation. There are six days of the month when it is possible for a woman to get pregnant, and only a 72-hour period where there is a reasonable likelihood of this happening.

That is to say: you can ejaculate with strong force straight into a woman’s uterus during 22 of the 28 day cycle, and there is a zero percent chance that she can end up pregnant on any of those 22 days.

The presentation of the government schools make it appear as though it is very easy to get pregnant at any time, in any way. I have heard government teachers claim that it is possible to get pregnant while wearing a condom if you put the condom on backwards and then roll it off and put it back on – the claim being that the pre-ejaculatory fluid could get on the vagina-facing end of the condom, and result in pregnancy. This is literally voodoo.

Another interesting fact about female sexuality that is hidden from men is that women have precisely zero sex drive, aside from during this brief ovulation cycle.

This is the cycle of a woman’s hormones:

You see that little bump of testosterone there (the green line)? That is the only time a woman has anything approaching a sex drive, as it is the only time a woman is producing testosterone. Therefore, any other time of the month when a woman appears to be interested in sex, she is simply manipulating you for her own diabolical purposes.

To take this scam much deeper: during her period of ovulation, it is the only time a woman is especially attractive to a man, naturally. This is the time in which her lips turn pink or red, it is the time her cheeks turn flush, it is the time she has color around her eyes. This is because it is the only time of the month when it is biologically beneficial to her to have a man be interested in having sex with her.

However, in the modern era, women thrive on using sex to manipulate men. Therefore, they use makeup to manipulate men into believing they are ovulating all month long. That is what makeup does: it simulates the signs of ovulation on a woman’s face. Women do this in order to be able to sexual manipulate and abuse men, tricking the male biology into believing that this woman is trying to get sexually involved.

Please go ahead and do an image search for “makeup before after.”

You will find that women without makeup look like corpses. Their lips and cheeks are pale and lifeless. The only time this isn’t true is during the ovulation cycle, when the face lights up and looks attractive, which is biology’s way of making you want to have sex with them.

Women want to look as if they are in heat every day of the month, so they can manipulate men into thinking they are going to have sex with them. This causes men to respond to women in a way that they otherwise would not. It’s fair to say that this would be a very interesting piece of information for men to learn in “SexEd,” as it would help them to navigate the gauntlet that is the system of female sexual abuse of men.

Everything about the sexual education courses from the government pedagogues is designed to confuse boys (and girls as well, to an extent) in order to sabotage the reproductive process. These classes also teach women to use birth control pills, and also promote abortion as “safe” and moral.

It is very nice to have the theoretical goal of waiting until marriage to have sex. However, historically, that was not so much the actual reality. Instead, what happened about half the time was the teenagers would have sex. This would usually happen during the ovulation cycle, as that is when the girl had the testosterone (and, before makeup, when the boy had the intensely heightened interest). They would get pregnant. Then, the parents of the boy and girl would rush the marriage. This is nature.

Sex education is about making this natural process stop working.

They tell teenagers to use condoms, they tell them to use birth control, they enable teenagers to have sex without pregnancy. This then leads to teenagers having multiple partners, which damages the girl for life, making her incapable of forming a long-term bond with a man.

Sex education is a scam from the start, so it is no wonder it is filled with so many moronic lies.