SHOCKING: Teenage Sluts as Young as 14 Did Slut Things for Money with Jeffrey Epstein

Wait, teenage girls will have sex with rich older men?

And they will accept money and gifts from these men?

Since when? 

This sounds like a bunch of rape to me.

So I’m just going to call it that.

Also, if the rich older man has sex with a girl and then pays them to go find other girls who want to have sex for money, every step in that process is rape.

It’s just all a bunch of rape.

New York Post:

Florida prosecutors heard testimony that disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein raped teenage girls, but cut a plea deal with him in 2008 anyway, according to newly released court transcripts.

The 150-page transcript of the 2006 grand jury investigation reveals that the court heard testimony about Epstein sexually assaulting girls as young as 14 inside his Palm Beach mansion.

The victims also testified and told detectives that they were paid to find Epstein more girls to assault in a harrowing case that ended with the pedophile sentenced to less than two years in prison after taking a plea deal.

Florida Circuit Judge Luis Delgado, who released the pages on Monday, warned that the transcript would likely outrage anyone who read them.

The transcripts show that Palm Beach Police Detective Joe Recarey began the investigation against Epstein in March 2005, when a woman reported that her stepdaughter had received $300 in exchange for “sexual activity with a man in Palm Beach.”

Another teenager then told detectives that when she was 17 years old, a friend told her she could make $200 by providing a massage at Esptein’s home.

When the teen got to Epstein’s home, she told investigators that Esptein demanded she remove her clothes and massage him, according to Recarey’s testimony.

When he tried touching her, the teenager told him she was uncomfortable.

Epstein then told the girl he would pay her if she brought other “girls” to his home, stressing that they be young.

“And he told her, ‘The younger, the better,’” Recarey said.

Over time, the teenager told detectives she brought six friends from her high school to Epstein’s home, including a 14-year-old girl.

She added that when she brought over a 23-year-old friend, Epstein refused and told her that the woman was too old.

The teen allegedly received $200 every time she brought a friend over, as well as a rental car paid by Epstein.

Delgado, who had previously set up a hearing to discuss how and when to release the transcripts next week, decided to release the papers on Monday, the earliest date allowed following Gov. Ron DeSantis’ order in February.

He described Esptein as “the most infamous pedophile in American history.”


My computer is on its last knoblet.

But I am entering this article to tell you something.

I watched the Louis Theroux interview with Theo Von on my other computer while this one was drying, and Louis is now my new best friend. I’m literally going to start listening to his podcast. I actually want to go on it. Some of his people emailed me years and years ago and I just didn’t reply. I wish I would have met him somewhere, but it’s during a period when I was really creeped out by a bunch of shit that happened that I’ll explain sometime in a book, maybe in 5 or so more years. Crazy shit, man.

Anyway, Louis is awesome. I got mad about Michael Jackson, but he’s like this really insecure, sad alcoholic who actually thinks about things in a bizarre, disturbing way.

Anyway, most people won’t agree with me on that. But I do want to see if he’ll have me on his show because I want to debate his vile slanders against Michael Jackson who is literally dead and can’t defend himself from some obviously Jewish weirdo who condescends to Americans because he feels inferior around British people because he’s Jewish and for some reason lies about it.

Anyway, he was pretty freewheeling on the show, and they were talking about the age of consent and Epstein came up and he said “it’s almost like this whole thing is a distraction…” and I was like YES YES YES DO IT LOUIS, but instead of saying the Mossad blackmail total Israeli control of the American elite thing, he said (paraphrasing): “It’s really the same thing happening in public and probably much worse in the porn industry, but because the girls are one or two years younger, it’s like it’s off limits.”

And then I was like “Eh. I was hoping for the Mossad thing, but that’ll do.”

His porn documentary (there might have been more than one, I’ve watched most of his films/shows and some of them he does multiple versions of because there is only so much in his “wheelhouse”) is very good. He leans a bit too much towards the “exploiting women” thing, but he legitimately does try to just keep everything even-keeled and just say “welp, here’s this grotesque thing.”

Anyway, I’m gonna write an article about that interview.

Watch this spot.

And until then, remember this meme that Elvis puts in every single article about “underage” girls (and I love that he does that, because now it’s a meme that we keep posting this meme):

That’s a scientific study.

Any scientific study you do is going to show women’s peak attractiveness at 14.



Hey there, little guy – sorry!

I’m sorry!

I’m sorry if you don’t like that, but if you participate in one of these tests (assuming you’re not some kind of pervert), and you have a machine hooked to your body to measure sexual response while you are shown different pictures of girls, your highest sexual response is going to be for girls between the ages of 13 and 16.

I’m sorry, dear friend, but it’s BASIC MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY.

Sex is not about your yum-yums. Sex is about propagation of the species. If we take that as a basic premise, and we look at ourselves as mammals who do not have artificial social constructs forced on them, the best way to propagate the species is with the most fertile women, and women are at peak fertility at 14. You also want to produce as many kids as possible. I asked a (female but not white) doctor when the best age for a woman to have her first child is and she said “well, biologically, it’s 15.”


Not morally. These morals and what they’re saying about Dr. Disrespect… this is all just complete nonsense pulled out of thin air.

It’s not from the Bible. Saint Paul did not say unto thee: “Thou shalt set unto thine maidens an arbitrary age years after puberty at which time thou shalt impregnate yon maiden.”

He said no such thing.

Islam, on the other hand, does have an age of consent – it’s nine.

Personally, I think that’s probably going a bit too far.

But that’s the belief of like, 2 billion people on the earth.