Slavery Increases in the UK With Owners Now Branding Their Victims

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 1, 2014

Thousands of people are being treated ‘like cattle’ by modern slavery gangs who tattoo them and force them to work for a pittance.

We haven’t seen slavery in Britain since the days of the chimney sweeps, but thanks to the wonders of Diversity it is making a come back.

Slaves can now be bought for the knockdown price of just £200 and many of them are White homeless people that have been snatched off the streets.

I doubt you will see Tarantino making a movie about it any time soon though.

Daily Mail:

Thousands of people are being treated ‘like cattle’ by modern slavery gangs who tattoo them and force them to work for a pittance.

The number of victims smuggled in Britain has soared by a fifth as organised criminals cash in on the lucrative market in human misery.

They are expanding their operations from the sex trade and drug factories into hand car washes and bogus doorstep charity collections.

Victims are bought and sold for as little as £200 and put to work in fear of violence against them and their families.

Many are Eastern Europe children brought into the country to join street begging gangs while their handlers steal their generous benefits.

Adults are duped into travelling here, often through recruitment websites or even dating agencies, with the promise of better paid work or education.

But when they arrive they are forced to work as prostitutes, on illicit cannabis farms, as construction labourers or on isolated farms.

Some slaves have even been branded by the traffickers.

There is also a growing number of British victims, many of whom are homeless and vulnerable, who are enslaved by travellers who use them as cheap labour.

Liam Vernon, of the National Crime Agency (NCA), said: ‘This is an insidious and complex crime and much of the exploitation is hidden from view.

‘Victims are being forced to work in private houses and hospitality, farming, manufacturing and construction industries. In many cases, threats and violence are used.’

Asked about crime gangs tattooing their victims, he added that numbers or other symbols are used to ‘signify ownership’.

He added: ‘It’s a branding it’s as simple as that. You brand cattle, I can put it in no more stark terms.

‘That is how offenders view people – as a commodity that can be bought and sold. That comes at the price of misery and real physical and psychological harm.’

Research by the UK Human Trafficking Centre, part of the NCA, estimates there were 2,744 victims of human smuggling last year, compared with 2,255 in 2012.

Victims came from 86 countries worldwide, with most trafficked victims from Romania and Poland.

Shockingly, a fifth of all those enslaved, 602 victims, are children, many of whom are forced to beg, into prostitution or to work as domestic slaves.

One of the Non-White rape gangs has been known to brand their White victims too. This article tries to give the impression that it is an Eastern European thing, but really it is a Gypsy thing and a Black thing, with all the unholy race-mixtures that come between. The one thing it is not, is a White thing.

We haven’t seen White people being slaves in Britain since the age of the chimney sweeps.