So, What’s the Deal with This War with Russia? We Doing This Thing or What?

Captain Obvious reporting in.

Roger that, Ivan. You’re cleared for landing.


Speaking as part of an interview with earlier this week, Aleksey Pushkov, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, who previously served as chairman of the State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee, cast his view on the current power dynamic on the world stage.

“The US is a hegemon that is gradually losing its position in the world,” he claimed. “They suffered a very serious defeat in the Middle East, they lost Syria, they lost the battle for Afghanistan, they were forced to withdraw almost all of their troops from Iraq at the end of 2021.”

Yet he doesn’t bother to mention the advances we’ve made in trans rights and the liberation of the blacks.

Typical Russian racist.

According to the Russian senator, US officials “are trying to maintain their dominant influence by having conflicts simultaneously with Russia and China, although with different degrees of intensity.” Pushkov noted that this creates a nervous environment both in America and the rest of the world.

“The US no longer treats us as a secondary power,” he explained. “They treat us as a paramount power, which is why they cite Russia, not China, as one of the main problems facing the Biden administration in 2022.” Pushkov warned that it will be “a year of crisis between Washington and Moscow.”

Yeah, I mean, they’re kind of oscillating back and forth between who they want to start a war with. It’s probably ultimately fair to say that the intensity is more severe against Russia. Certainly you could say that over the last few months, but even before that, Russia was the villain of the Trump saga.

Of course, that was probably largely due to Trump himself making the point that Russia isn’t an enemy and that China actually is an economic adversary. So they played up Russia by playing off things Trump himself had said.

Also, remember that they are still blaming the entire coronavirus thing on China, with much of the media claiming that China engineered and released it on purpose. The response to the coronavirus (rather than the alleged virus itself) has been the single biggest disaster in all of human history. So that’s a pretty big attack.

The Hong Kong color revolution was as serious as anything that has been tried against Russia since the Ukrainian color revolution, and in terms of military provocation before the last few months, it was about equal. The US is still – like, right now, as you’re reading this – flying jets all around China and racing warships back and forth across the Taiwan Strait.

The whole situation is utterly manic and it looked for a long time like there was internal disagreement about which country to poke harder. Now they seem like they want an actual war, so they’re doing Russia, because it’s easier. They seem to think they can create a boondoggle in the Ukraine, where they don’t fully commit, and Russia is unable to expand the conflict without triggering Article 5.

They can’t have a war in Taiwan because unlike in the Ukraine, the population of Taiwan won’t fight. It’s also just logistically impossible due to geography. And whereas a protracted proxy conflict would in theory weaken Russia, the opposite would probably happen in China. Hilariously, the color revolution thing in Hong Kong made the Taiwanese more sympathetic to the Mainland, because everyone but retarded Americans knew that this was a State Department hoax designed to create chaos, and Chinese people generally don’t like chaos.

The fact that Russia is the target and not China just shows that this isn’t even about American hegemony. It’s about globalism and creating a one world anal government. If it was purely about American hegemony, America would be bribing Russia to form some NATO pact against China, because China is obviously the one taking over the world.

So, I don’t disagree with what Pushkov is saying here, I just wanted to add some further context.

He must read my website, because he went on to say the next phase is an attack on China.

“As I understand it, they now want to solve the ‘Russian problem,’ that is, to subjugate practically all of Europe, pushing Russia to its very outskirts,” he said. “This is exactly what they need Ukraine for. The next phase will be a political or even military confrontation with China.”

Pushkov added that America’s political and financial elite “believe that they are the only ones who can run the world,” and do not intend to let anyone else take the helms. “So, until a new world order is established in which the US is weaker and its role is diminished, we will be in more or less acute political conflict with them.”

I think it would have been worthwhile to just come out and say “they’re trying to establish a global government.” He implies that, but there is a difference between “US global hegemony” and “global government.”

They are similar issues, because the push for a global government is coming more or less entirely from the United States Zionist Occupation Government, along with US-based multinational corporations.

Pushkov is 67.

Russia has similar problems as the US with all of these really old people being in charge of everything, which leads to largely backward thinking and dumb behavior. So I’m impressed by the comments.

Putin makes a lot of impressive comments, but if you follow the internal Russian discussion, much of it is just really disconnected from basic reality. The world has changed so much in the last 30 years that senior citizens really have a hard time grasping what the hell is going on. Most problematic is that there is no indication that they are aware of how much difficulty they are having grasping what is going on.

Just as an example: at one point during the 2015 European “migrant crisis,” Russian media was claiming that Europe was amassing an Islamic army so they could use it to invade Russia. It sort of makes sense if you have no grasp of the ideology running Europe, as you could say to yourself “well, why the hell else would they be doing this?”

For as much as Russia has been accused of spreading information on the internet, they haven’t really ever done that. After the two-year-long Mueller investigation, they came to the conclusion that someone in Russia posted some really bad memes on Facebook. They never actually claimed that the Russian government did that. (Of course, the media has just continued to claim that anyone who disagrees with the Democrat Party is part of a Russian plot.)

A competent Russian government would be maximally using the internet to do all kinds of different things to promote its interests. RT has gotten better as of late, but there is just so much more that could be done. A couple of weeks ago, when Tucker Carlson was discussing the neocon anti-Russia agenda, he said that maybe part of the reason the Democrats are so obsessed with Russia is that it is largely a traditional Christian nation (that isn’t really factually accurate, but at least they’re trying).

It would have made much logical sense for Russia to press the issue among Republicans that the US is run by anti-Christs and that this is core to their agenda against Russia. Instead, they’ve largely tried to appeal to leftists, as if they are trying to rekindle sympathies that the American left had for the USSR. This is just moronic. There is no other description for it.

Consistent Failures

The fact that there was no contingency for a State Department color revolution in the Ukraine in the first place was totally unbelievable. Like, that was definitely avoidable. The president that the State Department overthrew with their neo-Nazi and Jewish coup was elected pretty soundly after years of instigation by the Americans.

The US realized that it was impossible to win an election with a pro-Western candidate, so they did the coup.

But they had already tried that in 2003. A decade earlier. There had also been a color revolution in Georgia in 2007, which resulted in a massive debacle for Russia. Way back under Bill Clinton, you had the Serbian debacle. This was all while NATO was expanding, expanding, expanding.

Then, it wouldn’t have taken much to have paid attention to what the State Department did with the Arab Spring under Obama. There was a very, very public roadmap.

So why was there no protocol in place to deal with this Ukrainian Maidan situation? Why did everyone just seem confused? I mean, I could understand trying and failing, but it was clear that there was zero plan at all, and then it was just like “welp, uhhhhh, I guess we’d better try to keep Crimea at least then? Yeah, okay, let’s do that I guess.”

It was reminiscent of that scene from Archer where he’s in Russia and everything is silly and confused and he says “how are you a superpower???”

I don’t mean to be mean. You all know I’m a Russian shill. But it’s just ridiculous how incompetent they’ve been. The number of unforced errors is staggering.

Furthermore, there would have been no major difference in Western response if, during the revolution, Russia had seized the Donbass along with Crimea. Instead they sent in a minimal number of troops – without uniforms – to aid the locals against the US-backed revolutionary forces in a protracted civil war.


AND THEN this whole thing almost just happened again in Belarus, and the only reason it didn’t was that the President of Belarus is a ride or die mad lad.

But I mean – that whole thing could have gone totally sideways, and was basically just down to luck. Lukashenko isn’t really even competent, he’s just really hardcore (unlike the corrupt and spineless coward Yanukovych), and it just so happened that it worked out. As far as we were able to tell, the Kremlin was actually giving him bad advice that he disregarded.


I wrote an article recently entitled “Russia Finally Solves a Problem: Peacekeepers Leaving Kazakh as CIA Revolution Quashed!

This was a very smooth operation. Kazakhstan was experiencing a color revolution, and then Russia sent in troops and cleaned it up quickly, putting down the protests and ensuring there be a couple niggas missing.

It was a slow clap moment.

What’s more, what they’re doing now appears to be intelligent operations. They’ve just been running troops back and forth from the Ukrainian border, no one even knows how many troops there are at any time, and no one knows what they’re doing.

The top diplomat recently came out and said “under no circumstances do we ever invade anyone ever for any reason at all ever,” and the same week Putin was like “if you don’t stop this, we’re going to do something.”

This strategy bore great fruits last week when Jeff Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a very public spat about whether or not it is time to panic. Apparently, Biden called Zelensky and was like “Putin is definitely going to immediately invade you and sack Kiev and basically kill everyone” and Zelensky was like “I’m not sure this is the case.”

CNN reported this and then retracted it (deleted tweets and all), and said actually there is total agreement. But then Zelensky went out and did a press conference saying that the US government and media should stop saying that there is an invasion imminent.

That is a serious mess which is the result of a clearly intelligent strategy by Russia to create confusion. It looks terrible for the people in Washington pushing this war narrative.

So, despite the fact that I’ve been acutely unimpressed with Russia’s ability to engage the “global chessboard” over the last decade, there might be a change happening.

Also, I should note, in Russia’s defense, that there are a number of entrenched Jews in the country that the government has to contest with, who are obviously anti-Putin and pro vagio-anal revolution.

Those Jews probably should have been dealt with differently, but that’s a whole other complicated topic – during the collapse of the USSR, New York Jews shipped their cousins pallets of cash to buy up formerly public property and infrastructure at rates that were way below market because Russia literally did not have a market. In the USSR, if someone owned a house, it had been given to them by the government, and any transfer of ownership was managed by the government, so no one had any idea what the actual value of anything was. And of course, the Jews had infinity money from Wall Street. So that created this situation of Jewish “oligarchs” that Putin has had to contend with for the last few decades. These Jews have caused all kinds of domestic problems – as they are known to do – and held back a lot of development.

You can say “well, Putin controlled the FSB, so these Jew criminals just should have all had heart attacks, committed suicide or fallen out of windows,” but it probably wasn’t that simple. I am not going to pretend to understand the details of that situation, but it is worth mentioning that this is an ongoing problem in the country, which has probably played a role in the general lack of competence on the world stage. Just even the fact that they’ve held back the economy so much, and prevented Russia from developing fully into a modern middle-class oriented European country, makes everything worse.

A Botched Mexican Standoff

The bottom line is that it’s only the fact that the US is so incompetent that Russia is still standing at all. As Pushkov stated, America is an empire in decline that is acting erratically. It is definitely looking more and more like the call has already been made for war in the Ukraine.

Obviously, they would prefer if they could bully Putin into starting it – in the same way that a woman prefers if she can bully her husband into being the one to file the divorce. But these recent statements from Zelensky imply that he might not even want to be a part of this. Zelensky is a Jew of course, but he’s also the court jester – he was literally a TV comedian – and that makes him less predictable than a standard Jew.

There is also not really a lot of statements coming out of NATO, which appears uncharacteristically gunshy about the whole ordeal.


If they’ve made the decision for war, but can’t figure out how to start it, they’re probably going to do something stupid. Remember that these are all the same people that ran the Afghanistan debacle – literally, it’s the exact same team of people. These think tanks are now coming out and saying that the US should just invade to retake Crimea, which would be so insane that it would probably trigger China getting involved. Or, even worse, China deciding it would be an opportune time to liberate Taiwan.

What they would obviously do is some kind of dumb false flag. The Biden people are claiming that Putin is planning a false flag, which is sort of weird and confusing.

Some people have said “they always accuse you of planning what they are going to do to you!” This is clearly true as a general thing, but “false flag” is not usually a term that the US government wants in common circulation.

I guess the take here is that instead of doing their own false flag, the State Department might be planning to just do an attack that provokes a Russian invasion and then claim it was a false flag. This would be a kind of double false flag or reverse false flag.

Their normal M.O. is to sink one of their own ships and then attack. But if the goal is to get Russia to make the first move, then doing a reverse false flag makes sense, and it makes more sense that this is why the Biden people are saying it than “they always accuse you of what they are going to do to you!”

But it should be noted that after the State Department came out with this, the ethnic Russian resistance movement in the Ukraine said that they had evidence of the US planning a false flag.

The Mystery of Who is in Charge

There is a true mystery of who is actually in charge of really anything at the Biden Administration. Obviously, the whole coronavirus thing is being run by Bill Gates and Johns Hopkins via Anthony Fauci, the CDC, FDA, and the university system. But that was happening before Biden took office.

In terms of the rest of this stuff – no one really seems to know who is in charge, and we are left wondering if anyone is in charge. If someone is in charge, it’s none of the visible people, who are all just befuddled morons.

Some people have pointed at Susan Rice as running some things, but she’s not even working for the State Department, so she’s probably not planning this war.

I guess the most obvious person to point at would be Victoria Nuland. She is the Jew who ran the Maidan revolution, and she’s linked into the whole Jewish neocon braintrust mob. She’s currently serving as the Under Secretary of State.

I guess if I was the confused group of people who are fronting the Biden Administration, she’s who I’d be looking to. I mean, if I was literally them. If I was me and I was them, I would be looking for younger people, probably putting together a team with people from Wall Street, as they seem to be the only group of rogues who have any level of competence. Then I’d give core operational management duties to the Mossad. Bringing back the same neocons who ran the Moslem wars seems almost suicidal.

But again – Nuland is the one who ran the Maidan, so if you’re these people, you’re probably going to say “yeah, just go with her.”

As far as I’m able to tell, Nuland was the first one who came out and made the “false flag” allegation.

That statement was from the 12th, two days before it was “leaked” to CNN that Russia was planning a false flag. The State Department then “confirmed the leak” and everyone else in the Biden Administration started saying it.

But let’s say Nuland is the one planning the strategy for kicking off the conflict by doing the reverse false flag – again, that is, the US attacking Russians in the Ukraine, forcing Russia to invade, and then saying that Russia did it themselves because they wanted to invade. Okay. Well. Who is going to run the war itself?

How Does This Affect the Coronavirus Thing?

The final question of interest here is how this war would affect the coronavirus thing.

The US media is monomaniacal, and if there was a war with Russia, that’s all they would want to talk about.

But you can imagine various ways that the narratives could be combined. They could even come out with some claim that the latest variant was released by Russia.

In Conclusion…

There is a nonzero chance that nothing at all will happen. These people might just all bitch out. But that is becoming less and less likely.

But remember that Joe Biden did say that if Russia invaded they might not do anything.

Of course, all of his Jews came out immediately after that and said that he didn’t actually say that.

But the deal with Biden is that he is senile and a puppet, and he sometimes says the quiet part aloud. The fact that he said this at all probably means that it has come up in discussion, with someone in his orbit saying that if Russia invades they should just use it as an excuse to go nuts with the soft power – they have the ability to kick Russia off of the SWIFT system (which would be a complicated disaster you can look up) as well as do other more serious harm to their economy. And of course, they can cancel the Nord Stream 2. And then just keep pushing for a color revolution inside the country.

The 2020 attempt failed obviously, but it wasn’t handled very well, and if there was more serious economic damage to the country, they might think they could do a summer of 2022 revolution.

Daily reminder: Russia still refuses to ban Western social media, and as long as that is the case, then on a long enough timeline, a color revolution will work in Russia.

(I feel like inserting a “Doofus Putin” meme here, as it is so inexplicable to me that they are unwilling to ban these social media companies.)

But, it is more likely that the plan is to create some kind of isolated conflict in the Ukraine (while also doing all the other stuff). These people are in a rush, clearly. They’ve got to get Russia out of the way so they can go for China. Regime change in Russia would be very difficult for China, given that they’ve built up all of these ties as mutual victims of Western aggression, and they probably think they can force regime change in China if they control Russia.

At any point, this could obviously turn into a real world war. I don’t think that is a goal. But these people in Washington are so incompetent that it could well happen. That would almost certainly go nuclear.

To be clear, when I say that I “support nuclear war,” I’m not being ironic. I do genuinely believe that it would be a very positive development.