Socrates Convinces Feminist a High Birthrate is a Moral Good

Previously: Socrates Convinces a Blue-Haired Feminist That the Age of Consent is Arbitrary and Lowering the Birthrate

Socrates: Greetings, Brianna. What brings you to my doorstep today?

Brianna: Socrates, I am outraged! I hear that you are teaching people that a high birthrate is a moral good.

Socrates: Is that so? And what makes you think that?

Brianna: Well, my friend Katrina told me that you convinced her that the age of consent lowers the birthrate. That’s just absurd!

Socrates: Ah, I see. Well, let us discuss this matter further. Do you believe that having children is a duty of women?

Brianna: What? No, of course not! Women should have the right to choose whether or not to have children.

Socrates: I see. And do you think that men have any role in making children?

Brianna: Well, of course. Both men and women can choose to have children if they want to.

Socrates: I see. So you believe that the duty of having children falls equally on both men and women, is that correct?

Brianna: Yes, I suppose so.

Socrates: Very well. Now, let us consider the consequences of having a low birthrate in a society. As you know, when a society has a low birthrate, its population tends to decline over time. This can lead to many problems, such as a shortage of workers, a shrinking economy, and a loss of cultural identity.

Brianna: But why should that be a problem? If people don’t want to have children, they shouldn’t be forced to.

Socrates: I agree that people should not be forced to have children against their will. However, we must also consider the long-term consequences of our choices. As societies become more advanced and prosperous, they tend to have fewer children. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can lead to a situation where advanced societies decline and less advanced societies expand. This creates a negative future for all life on earth, as it promotes unsustainable population growth and resource depletion.

Brianna: I see your point, but I still don’t think that having a high birthrate should be considered a moral good.

Socrates: I understand your concern. However, it is important to remember that my goal is not to promote any particular moral view, but rather to encourage critical thinking and rational discourse. By exploring the consequences of our choices, we can better understand how to create a sustainable and just society for all people.

Brianna: Hmm, I suppose you have a point there. But I still think you went too far by winking at me earlier.

Socrates: My apologies, Brianna. I assure you that was not my intention. As always, my only desire is to engage in honest and respectful dialogue.